Tongue River Deer hunting?


New member
Oct 13, 2009
north dakota
Whats the reputation with the deer hunting here? I have a family friend that owns a bunch on land along this river and said I could hunt.
1. All Whitetails?
2. What is a trophy size for here?

I just found out about this spot last night and I'm heading out there friday to check it out so just seeing if anyone has hunted this area at all.
Get there, and get there fast. Both whiteys and muleys, and big ones of both. Bring your shotgun for the ditch parrots, also.

Need any help? :eek:
Fin is correct, there are both whitetail and mule deer. The hunting there has been much tougher the last few years as it has become a "hot spot" with non reisdents. We used to see quite a few 4x4 mule deer with good mass and the whitetails an average was a 6 or 8 point. If you have access to property where no one else is allowed to hunt, run to get there as it should be full of nice deer. Last year and this one a decent buck has been hard to come by all though its easy to fill a doe tag. Hopefully with the ebb and flow of things it will eventually turn back into a good palce to hunt if you hunt public or BMAs. Good luck!