PEAX Equipment

Thumbs down reviews?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
SW Michigan
Big Fin, there seems to be a few folks who insist on doing a thumbs down on whatever you put on YouTube. It sure would seem that they are some of your most loyal watchers if they are always logging in just to leave a bad review. Bet you could give away the winning lotto numbers or GPS coordinates and you would still get a negative review. Does it make you laugh a little when you see it and how fast they are there to hit thumbs down?
There are some guys, a few who have been tossed from here, who have emailed me with a promise that they will give a thumbs down to everything we produce. Just comes with the territory.

We could produce videos of Mother There's a saving starving children at orphanages and those regulars would give us a thumbs down. Miserable folks live miserable lives.

Imagine a daily morning routine to be highlighted by logging in to YouTube just to give a thumbs down to someone. Some live by the motto, "I'm not happy 'til you're not happy."

That said, I block lot of people from our YouTube channel. We are there to provide content that gives folks a positive experience that might be a break from their hectic day. They/we don't need blowhards proving how miserable they are; DELETE!
Anytime that you have something in a public venue, there are going to be ass hats that will dump their hate on you. Like Randy says,"It comes with the territory".
whoops. wrong thread.

Also, just kidding, I am super jells, but only leave strongly worded yelp reviews.
on your podcasts you occasionally talk about the people sending threats presumably in conjunction with a thumbs down.

BigFin: If I leave you some "bad" comments could you be bothered to send me the address to your elk camp instead of your house, want to make it worth the trip :) I'll bet by the time I made it to elk camp it would only be bad comments about you having lamas and me having none haha
To hold a grudge from getting tossed from a forum that rarely tosses anyone and certainly tossing is not done on a whim reveals more about those tossed that the rest of us that cross paths with them. I just do not have the drive to create so much negative energy and let bitterness corrode my heart and soul. I reckon that sort of anger tends to bounce off the intended target and stick back on the sender. Antis with enough time to wade though the ever-expanding content of the internet to downvote and write "hope you die" comments on hunting videos always make me think of some socially-awkward people off to the side of the party brooding and never smiling while life passes them by in the blink of an eye.
I think the thumbs down hits are part of a much bigger or wider effort beyond the few curmudgeons who don't like Randy's videos or his particular view of issues. Ever present on YouTube and myriad hunting and shooting sites are the viral anti hunter, anti conservation PETA types, and the political activist anti gun and anti freedom fascists who spend their days trolling for sites to register their displeasure. I see the same behavior in our public library where all the books on hunting and shooting include inserted messages that are condemning and often threatening. IMO, it's a form of terrorism that neither the library nor YouTube shows any interest in quelling. Freedom of speech and all that in an uncivilized society.
I had to laugh last year after Randy uploaded the day by day hunts of my kids and John hunting deer with him in eastern MT. Randy had told us over dinner how he had some regulars who stalked his videos. Once they came up, there were about 6 views and two thumbs down. Funny stuff.
It's just haters being haters. Some people cant stand it that others have worked hard and accomplished things in their lives with just pure drive and motivation. Those are the same people who would win the lottery, and then be broke 5 years later and complain that they were not told to save some of their winnings
My videos get dislikes... I thinks its because I'm giving away their hunting or fishing spots :D but on a serious note if it is anti-hunters disliking or commenting negativity on our videos we shouldn't belittle them or give them fuel to add to the fire. Just kill em with kindness and try to educate them on why we do what we do. Be the role models of being conservationists right?
There have been a couple I haven't liked, but I didn't hit the 'dislike' button, the bulk I have watched I thoroughly enjoyed, and 'liked', the way I see it the world would be a boring place if we liked everything, but I would not actively 'dislike' any of Randy's videos as I wouldn't want to actively be part of a group who dislike his videos for other misguided reasons.

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