Think I'm gonna puke


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
I lost my GPS today. Somewhere either around the stoplight at Bigfork, Hwy 209, or down swan hwy to Cold Creek, or on Cold Creek Road.

Either way, its gone, unless someone is honest and finds it and calls me. I am gonna put up signs and hope for the best.

Can't think of a worse thing to happen. And it isn't so much the money to replace it, gonna be a lot(Garmin 60), its all the info on it.
Sorry to hear that...I write down the important coords. I have, just for that reason.
Can someone tell me, is the Garmin 62 series the "upgrade" to my 60 Csx?

I am gonna look on ebay I guess for the 60, I really loved that gps.

I get confused by the differences in 62 S, 62 ST, 62 STC, 62 SC.....etc. Seems like the T means it is preloaded with topos. I don't need that, as I really like the GPS Huntmaps stuff, and plan on getting it, so I don't think I need that.
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I think a guy should look into somehow downloading the waypoints and such onto a computer or DVD or something, in case this happens.

I guess I just posted this to

1. Just bitch about it, because it is making me feel better, as I am totally devastated right now. Staring at Labor Day, and this happens.

2. Warn ya'll, either take Buzz's advice and write stuff down, or two figure a way to backup the info, then post up and tell us all.

I have the 62s and its a real good gps IMO. Color, easy to use, seems pretty durable, fairly easy on batteries, and great with the huntinggpsmaps stuff.

I've no complaints, but I've only been using it for about 6 months so far.

Theres probably a lot of good options and likely better ones than the 62s.
I think a guy should look into somehow downloading the waypoints and such onto a computer or DVD or something, in case this happens.

I think you can with Garmin Basecamp, but best of luck to you hope you find it.
Oh man, hopefully somebody that'd be interested in your honey holes finds it.
Fingers crossed it shows up for you.

I have the 62s and its a real good gps IMO. Color, easy to use, seems pretty durable, fairly easy on batteries, and great with the huntinggpsmaps stuff.

I've no complaints, but I've only been using it for about 6 months so far.

Theres probably a lot of good options and likely better ones than the 62s.

That is good to know Buzz. You are right there are probably better, I know there are more expensive, but they seem to have crap I don't need, like camera's, and touchscreens? The thing about those 60's that I read about before buying was the ability to keep a signal in heavy(er) timber. And they weren't kidding, unreal signal strength all the time. I worry when they start "improving" things. Glad you like yours, gonna look around for a good price on that one too.
I have the 62st. It is the best unit I have ever owned, by far. Like my old 60CSX, but just better at everything. Battery life, acquiring satellites, display, resolution. You will love it. 62s is probably the same.
I share your pain! I've lost two 60csx. The first one slid off my dash of my truck and right out my open window going 85 MPH on i90. The second one came up missing in my carry on luggage on the way home from AK this year. Not going to by a third, I think I have bad luck with that model. Hope your luck turns out better than mine did.
More expensive but way worth it is the garmin rhino. GPS/radio with emergency channels and weather radio built in. When you talk to a buddy it logs the time and his position on the map and tells you cool stuff like difference in elevation. You can also send texts to your buddy with it. I hunt alone a lot and it's nice insurance knowing I have a way to communicate with the outside world.
I think a guy should look into somehow downloading the waypoints and such onto a computer or DVD or something, in case this happens.

I guess I just posted this to

1. Just bitch about it, because it is making me feel better, as I am totally devastated right now. Staring at Labor Day, and this happens.

2. Warn ya'll, either take Buzz's advice and write stuff down, or two figure a way to backup the info, then post up and tell us all.


There is a free program you can download from the Minnesota DNR called DNRGarmin that is pretty handy. I'm sure there are others out there you can buy that have more features. I use DNRGarmin at work all the time. You can download your waypoints, tracks, etc with the program and save them as text files for upload back to your GPS later, a mapping program such as NG TOPO, etc. You can also save them as shapefiles for use with GIS software, which most people don't need.

The program is pretty easy to use, but you need a small amout of background knowledge about how to save/transfer data, etc.

You can also just use NG TOPO, and get the added benefit of seeing your points/tracks on topo maps on your computer. Garmin also has programs you can use to download/upload waypoints, but I've never used them.

If you've got questions, feel free to ask. I'm sure others have different ideas on how to backup waypoints.
Here is the DNRGarmin link. I would suggest that if you go this route, you practice with download/upload a bit before using it with important waypoints.

Another handy feature of this program that you likely have no interest in is the ability to upload GIS shapefiles to your GPS. It's handy for my work, because I can have someone send me a shapefile of, say, a pipeline alignment and I can upload it to my GPS before I go out to survey the route.
Another thing about these newer Garmins, including the 60 you lost...there is a page that lets you enter all of your personal information like name, address, phone #, and it shows up when you turn the unit on, just in case an honest person finds it.

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