Sitka Pre Season Savings

The shootings just won't stop

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Ok, let's see what we can do. We've toss the 1st and 5th amendment out into the trash, god forbid we touch the 2nd on a 150+ year old document. It's to taboo to even talk about it. I'm surprised their isn't a 50 shades of 2nd out there. We've stripped women's rights away and you now are don't have the right to clean air or water. Man, what a start to the Summer it's been. Oh and the police shot another unarmed black man 60 times in Ohio.

What’s your favorite brand of maple syrup?
Hey Buzz. You like Bernie. You have a shitload of money you made as a Fed employee. And houses and blah blah blah. Screw you and your hate for the United States of America. Move. Now. mtmuley
Things are great, just be careful at parades...and schools.

No reason for you to get all worked up about it. Your guns are safe, so are mine.
Watching a news source I don’t usually watch and their talking heads are discussing the size of the “online murder fetish” community in the US. What the heck????????
I think we've been instructed lately several times that this is a forum for discussions about public lands, hunting, fishing, etc. Let's not piss the Big Guy (no, not that one, the good one) off again. There's always FB, Twitter, etc. Happy Independence Day!
Good try, I appreciate the effort. People who disagree w you, me or anyone should emigrate.
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