Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Nug Makes a BAD Decision


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Ted Nugent Fined for Killing Young Deer on Reality TV

Rock and hunting icon Ted Nugent has agreed to pay a $1,750 fine after pleading no contest to charges stemming from a reality show appearance where he used illegal methods to kill a young deer.

California Department of Fish and Game spokesman Patrick Foy told a court on Friday that two game wardens saw the 'Cat Scratch Fever' rocker bait and kill a young deer with a bow and arrow while taping his Outdoor Channel series 'Spirit of the Wild' earlier this year, KBET-10 is reporting.

"They watched him appear to shoot a spiked buck, which is an illegal buck to take, because it's too small. And he had it right there on television, and it wasn't live, it was taped," Foy said.

Nugent used a commercial deer bait called "C'mere Deer," even though baiting animals for hunting purposes is illegal in the state.

The rock star originally faced 11 charges, including killing a deer too young to be hunted. In a deal with Yuba County prosecutors, Nugent's attorney on Friday entered no contest pleas to the two misdemeanors.

Nugent was not in court and a spokeswoman for the star has not commented.
I've very dissapointed. The Nuge needs to make a statement and come clean, fast.
He has made a statement. I saw it on some other forums. There is alot more to the story than what is in this report posted here. I'd save your judgments until you hear his side of the story.
I've seen his shows and from what was described in the original post...baiting/shooting a spike (if this is true)...that's no different than what he does back home. Maybe this was an honest mistake. Again, if the info is true, maybe it comes down to a "habit" issue and didn't realize/forgot he couldn't take a spike or use bait in CA.
He has made a statement. I saw it on some other forums. There is alot more to the story than what is in this report posted here. I'd save your judgments until you hear his side of the story.

Uhhhh....... he did make a statement.....

Ted Nugent has agreed to pay a $1,750 fine after pleading no contest to charges stemming from a reality show appearance where he used illegal methods to kill a young deer.

What kind of "statement" can you make about using illegal methods to kill a deer that means he is not a poacher?
I agree with most of Teds political views but as far as I am concerned the way the man hunts he is a slob hunter and needs to be fined if he broke the law.If he did not know the laws it does not matter he is not above anyone else and needs to read the regulations and follow them like everyone else.
I think he is a jackass, always has been a jackass, always will be a jackass. I guess I am in the minority in that I do not think he is a good spokesman for hunting in general. I wish he would shut up and just play the guitar.

But I giggle with glee everytime when I watch this, it is my official shed season song. I can just imagine the saggy '70s racks in the audience
Nugent used a commercial deer bait called "C'mere Deer," even though baiting animals for hunting purposes is illegal in the state.

Well, at least I finally know that C`mere Deer must work....thanks Uncle Ted!
now on the front page of his website:

To my Fellow Outdoorsmen.... You may have read the news that I pled no contest to two misdemeanor game violations. I should have been better informed, more aware and I take full responsibility. The honorable hunting lifestyle is my deepest passion.
-Ted Nugent
I think he is a jackass, always has been a jackass, always will be a jackass. I guess I am in the minority in that I do not think he is a good spokesman for hunting in general. I wish he would shut up and just play the guitar.

But I giggle with glee everytime when I watch this, it is my official shed season song. I can just imagine the saggy '70s racks in the audience

Agreed POS
No Contest - MY ARSE! He acknowledges he is guilty... He sure as hell doesn't know how to accept full responsibility for one saying, "I accept full responsibility"... Guilty is the person who violates hunting laws, not - "No Contest". What a @ussy.

"I should have been better informed"...? Blame game that misses the mark for "accepting full responsibility." He is ultimately responsible to know the laws before slingin an arrow or popping the thunder stick.

No contest - what a joke...
As one who "assumed" the dude I was hunting with knew the state I was hunting in Wildlife Laws and got to pay a fine, I hereby forgive Ted and never asume anydamnthing anymore.
I am sometimes a little iffy about 'Uncle Ted' myself on his manner, or how hunting is represented through him. Sometimes I will think critically in regards to hunting and at other times I find him good overall.

I grew up listening to his music and even went to one of his concerts once. It's nice to have a rock star have a point of view that runs contrary to the views of most other stars in that profession.

Popular media tends to run left-view thinking and when a celebrity runs against their grain they work in many different manners to try an squelch it out. Especially including looking for weaknesses that will make the celeb offender trip on his or her own feet.

If the powers that be try to make him go a little over the bend or head him on an already compassed self-destructive path like they to did to Mel Gibson (temporary I hope), they might be a little dissapointed because it is a territory Uncle Ted already seems to know fairly well.

He survived a profession that anyone who decides to goes into it, really should consider overdose and nervous breakdown insurance. He survived by stepping back and taking an objective look at the condition this profession can brings one's life to.

As a kid he was lucky enough to go along on hunts with Fred Bear and I think this old guy could have had nothing but good influence on anyone from what I have read and seen in videos of Mr. Bear.

As a hunting celeb, he has to make endorsements for products that may not be legal in every state.

You can bait deer in some other states but not California. However, you can use scent lures in California, I think maybe even including food scent lures, but no actual food or bait.

Now if his handlers made him use this product in California without knowing the laws, they would only be partially responisble on some fault only, but not legally.

Since he is the holder of the license and tags that ultimately takes a deer harvest, he is the one that should know the laws before setting out on a hunt.

I would not call it poaching, but it is a definite game violation in my opinion.

I really do not know if I am right or wrong on this issue for sure, because I do not have all the facts concerning his violation and are not likely to get them without being clouded up by supporting or dissenting opinions.

Just my 2 cents.
Thank you very much for the welcome.

Glad to be here.

One other thing, before some of you head out here to California for a non-resident hunt.

Our hunting laws are somewhat confusing when compared to some of the laws of other states in the union.

I tend to think this is on purpose because we have too many non-hunters and anti-gun/anti-hunters ultimately deciding on our game laws.

Recommendations from our DFG on good management and proper conservation studies are sometimes ignored by those who ultimately decide what game laws should be placed into effect. Many times their recommendations are trumped by studies from universities by people with radical environmentalist motivations and notions, and probably far more protest experience than actual field experience.

Our game officers more than likely get confused by each ridiculous politically motivated little legal changes that comes in, rather than meaniful changes that have a positive influence on our wildlife.

Some people violate game laws knowingly; generally if it is good law there is no excuse for this behavior of violation. But it is quite easy to violate a California game law without ever knowing that you are doing so.

For instance the wording in California Game codes concerning the use of pellet guns in Los Angeles County like in the Angeles National Forest or on BLM land for the taking of small game like rabbit is purposely confusing. You can not use any kind of weapon for small game in that area except a shotgun or a bow for this purpose.

We have special area deer hunt tags for the bowhunter that allow either sex deer, and it gets more confusing by defining non-antlered or antlerless deer (meaning for the most part legally huntable does I think). The wording seems purposely muddled to confuse and possibly cause a violation for an unwary or under-educated to California law bowhunter.

I am a Californian with plenty of outdoor experience, but new to deer hunting in particular, as well as being no expert on our law, but the law concerning the take of deer here is no spike bucks, no fawns.

Forked bucks in California must be defined by having forked 3 inch antlers on either of the upper 2/3s of the antlers and eye guards and bony protrusions do not count, otherwise it is considered not legally huntable and I think legally defined as a spike buck.

While I still find most of our deer hunting laws quite reasonable, I have seen some little changes here and there every year to our hunting laws in general. Some make sense, others do not, making it more confusing as each year's hunting laws are decided.

It was very different here before the 1960's crowd and those of that mindset gained the reigns of political office and influence in our once great state.

So, if any of you come out here for a non-resident hunt, study carefully and be prepared for confusing wording in our game laws, as some of these I think were just designed for the purpose of shutting off public land, or generating revenue by unknowing violation.

BTW, thank you very much again for the welcome... and for tolerating my long winded posts. :)
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I think ted used to be a hunter and now from what ive seen latly hes more of a killer.He killes everything he sees.I dont agree with alot of the ways he hunts.But he does more for our hunting rights and our rights to bare arms in one day than most of us will do in a life time. He did poach a deer and he will pay his fine.Ill always look at him in a diffrent light now.when people look up to you . you must look closely at what you do before you do it.He is human and we have all made mistakes..............
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