Senate: Critical Sportsmen's Package

These Amendment-happy jerkwads on both sides needs to have their teeth handed to them. Boxer, Reid, and Cruz are all of the same ilk. They don't give two chits about hunters and anglers. We are just another pawn in the power game they are playing.

They see this bill as a wonderful playing field to further their asinine posturing for the Sunday morning talk show circuit. Reid sees it as a tool to help him keep control of the Senate in November and Cruz using the public lands as his bartering chip for the Tea Baggers.

Every hunter and angler in the country should be completely pissed off at these idiots. They have no idea how much work has went into this bill. And they have no concept of the conservation values these provisions have.

But, when you are only listening to pols and talking heads, how would you know what is best for the citizens? Friggin' idgits.
These Amendment-happy jerkwads on both sides needs to have their teeth handed to them. Boxer, Reid, and Cruz are all of the same ilk. ....
Every hunter and angler in the country should be completely pissed off at these idiots. They have no idea how much work has went into this bill. And they have no concept of the conservation values these provisions have.

But, when you are only listening to pols and talking heads, how would you know what is best for the citizens? Friggin' idgits.

Doesn't matter if your republican or democrat... red or blue state.... the politics of this country have become a stalemate the last 12 years or so--- no one will compromise or budge, even when you have a BIPARTISAN bill come out of committee. It is just completely ridiculus.

Maybe if this country voted ALL incumbents out of office political people would get the message--- Quite arguing and bickering and get to work like they are paid to do by all the voters.
I have apprised Mr Cruz of my opinions on the matter. Unfortunately I do not expect much progress anytime soon.
Well, it's official. An ugly and selfish end to four years of hard work by hunters, anglers, and our conservation groups. If you aren't pissed off about this, then I'm not sure what it would take to raise your ire.

These people need asshats of the largest size possible. Both sides. 3XL is probably too small.

To see them use our issues, on a bill that has so much support as it was crafted, for the sole purpose of posturing for elections shows you that they care nothing of hunters and anglers. We are taken for granted, used for a stepping stone to the next rung on the ladder of political games.

In some respects, it is Cruz and his blowhard "Yes men" who have me even more PO'd. They knew that littering this bill with amendments would kill it. And, that is what they wanted, as a few D's might be able to show some progress on something important to their constituents, as could some R's.

And the reason that ticks me off more is this. I don't have much expectation that Reid and most his urban pals are going to worry about my cause. Yet, Cruz and the Tea Baggers claim to be champions of our issues because we own lots of guns and are mostly right of center. They take for granted that hunters we will stand in line "for the brand."

This bill, one so important to those Cruz will claim he represents, was essentially killed by him and his pals for the sole purpose of his position in the Senate leadership after the November election and his goal for the 2016 Presidency. If that isn't proof that their political ambitions are more important than the lip service they provide hunters and anglers, then I am not sure what more will show it.

Imagine letting a clean bill go up for vote. It would have passed with flying colors. Anyone voting against it would have some 'splaining to do back home. But, that would be too much of a positive outcome and it would have been a political opportunity that was squandered; something just too tempting for those with huge political dreams.

I'm tired of being taken for granted. I'm tired of seeing hunters blindly give these jerkwads a free pass, especially the snakes who show up at hunting/shooting trade shows, blowing smoke of what good guys they are and how they will represent us, only ro go and pull this crap.

Eff that. If some want to "stand in line" and behave like good little political pawns, they can go right ahead and sign up. I'm not standing in line and I'm not going to behave.

If hunters don't wake up and start lambasting the Cruz's of the world, the same as we like to hammer Reid, then we are going to get what we deserve; a political railroad job like we have never seen.

And with that will go a 125 year conservation legacy that was handed to us; a legacy that we let fall apart because we were "riding for the brand."

My brand is hunting, fishing, and conservation. I have no use for R or D, Liberal or Conservative. Any hunters and anglers who want to ride for those brands of R or D, Lib/Con, can do so knowing they have screwed over the future for their children and grandchildren. No need to stop by my camp and share a fire if you are riding for one of those brands.

If Harry Reid, Ted Cruz, or any of those who use hunting and fishing issues for currency to buy political favors, think that I ride for their brand, they better brace for some bucking and kicking. To continue taking hunters and anglers for granted is no longer acceptable.

The entire lot needs an ass kicking of the highest degree and the sooner hunters and anglers start taking names and laying the political boot to most of them, the better off we will be.
Bummer about the Sportsmans Bill, but there are a lot more important issues affecting our nation than hunting & fishing and for that I like Ted Cruz

Lot of folks seem to make this the only issue and will vote for whoever says their for more public land access regardless of whatever the person stands for on other issues :eek:
Bummer about the Sportsmans Bill, but there are a lot more important issues affecting our nation than hunting & fishing:

I agree 100%. I for one am glad they didn't waste any more time on the Sportsmans Bill and instead used that time and energy addressing those ''More important issues''.;)
bummer about the sportsmans bill, but there are a lot more important issues affecting our nation than hunting & fishing and for that i like ted cruz

lot of folks seem to make this the only issue and will vote for whoever says their for more public land access regardless of whatever the person stands for on other issues :eek:

Bummer about the Sportsmans Bill, but there are a lot more important issues affecting our nation than hunting & fishing and for that I like Ted Cruz

Lot of folks seem to make this the only issue and will vote for whoever says their for more public land access regardless of whatever the person stands for on other issues :eek:

With all due respect, you are excusing piss poor political grandstanding and the exact reason why nothing gets done.

If you think there are more important issues, thats fine. But if these arseholes we elect have more important things to work on, then Why TF are they not just leaving bills like the Sportsmens Act alone and getting them passed?

Instead they waste their time placing amendments on bills that have nothing to do with the spirit or intent of the original bill. If theres other issues that are so much "important" then deal with them in stand alone bills. It would also make sense to quickly pass these bills that have any level of bi-partisan support and get on to the more "important issues".

I'm with Fin, there is no room for people excusing this crap behavior, it doesnt matter if there are more important issues or not, or even what the issue is.

Keep making excuses and not holding them responsible, they will continue their inept behavior.
Keep making excuses and not holding them responsible, they will continue their inept behavior.

...Yes let's discuss political grandstanding...and hypocrisy.

On April 13, 2005, then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) stood up on the Senate floor to oppose efforts to invoke the so-called "nuclear option"--the same strategy that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid implemented on Thursday.
“Mr. President, I rise today to urge my colleagues to think about the implications of what has been called the nuclear option and what effect that might have on this Chamber and on this country,” Obama said. “I urge all of us to think not just about winning every debate but about protecting free and democratic debate.”
Obama added that if the nuclear option was invoked, partisanship would “get worse.”
The American people want less partisanship in this town, but everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster, if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting, the bitterness, and the gridlock will only get worse.
Right now we are faced with rising gas prices, skyrocketing tuition costs, a record number of uninsured Americans, and some of the most serious national security threats we have ever had, while our bravest young men and women are risking their lives halfway around the world to keep us safe.
These are challenges we all want to meet and problems we all want to solve, even if we do not always agree on how to do it. But if the right of free and open debate is taken away from the minority party and the millions of Americans who ask us to be their voice, I fear the partisan atmosphere in Washington will be poisoned to the point where no one will be able to agree on anything. That does not serve anybody's best interest, and it certainly is not what the patriots who founded this democracy had in mind. We owe the people who sent us here more than that. We owe them much more.

...the rest is history.
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No doubt there are a lot of issues facing us. And if people think these same folks won't sell us out on those issues when they can see political opportunity in selling us out, then you have more faith in their character than I do.

I'm usually less disappointed in the person who tells me he is going to be against me and then votes against me, than I am the guy who claims to be my advocate and then uses my issues for his personal political gain.

It's not like hunting, conservation, and access are mutually exclusive to some of these other topics important to our country. Yet, if we hunters allow the politicians to make them mutually exclusive, these are the outcomes we will get.

I'm not willing to accept that hunting, conservation, and access are mutually exclusive from other positions that I think could be helpful to solving other issues. Politicians who try to hide behind that false theory won't find much support from me.
Not getting things easily done is how our Founding Fathers wanted it. ;)

Even on straightforward bills with huge upside and little downside?


Sometimes it takes the integrity and courage to nut up and do the right things for the right reasons.
I'm usually less disappointed in the who tells me he is going to be against me and then votes against me, than I am the guy who claims to be my advocate and then uses my issues for his personal political gain.

I guess I should be HUGELY disappointed by the 2 CO representatives.
Spot on!

With all due respect, you are excusing piss poor political grandstanding and the exact reason why nothing gets done.

If you think there are more important issues, thats fine. But if these arseholes we elect have more important things to work on, then Why TF are they not just leaving bills like the Sportsmens Act alone and getting them passed?

Instead they waste their time placing amendments on bills that have nothing to do with the spirit or intent of the original bill. If theres other issues that are so much "important" then deal with them in stand alone bills. It would also make sense to quickly pass these bills that have any level of bi-partisan support and get on to the more "important issues".

I'm with Fin, there is no room for people excusing this crap behavior, it doesnt matter if there are more important issues or not, or even what the issue is.

Keep making excuses and not holding them responsible, they will continue their inept behavior.
I get a pretty good laugh at all the naive disappointment in this thread by people who are shocked that a Congress/Senate that is bought and paid for by the NRA/big Oil//the Public Land Selling GOP/and Welfare Ranchers-Ag doesn't look out for hunters, fishermen, and others who use MyPublic Lands.

Especially when it is the same cast of characters who bemoan the "frivolous lawsuits" that have beenTHE most effective vehicle of change and protection on My Public Lands.

So, you all go ahead and write letters to the intern in the Senators office, knowing fully that the Senator will NEVER see it (as he is too busy getting his arm twisted by the NRA), while I will save my ink to scratch my signature on checks funding more lawsuits to protect My Public Lands on your behalf.
Jose, your messages are over quota and cant receive any new ones, so I will say it here. Your direct comments often make me smile and laugh.

Just today I was on the phone about the elk lawsuit with Skyline, dealing with the audio from the statewide elk brucellosis working group BS for the Skyline Sportsmen who could not attend, due to the very short notice that FWP gave out for the meeting. One of the gems discussed was an early hunt on private land, before the general season, allowing them 25 elk each. Brucellosis is not even a problem at that time of year - no abortions. Their rational was that the more elk you can take before, the less there will be during the infective period. Funny how that just happens to be on private land, getting a jump on the hunting season and a higher quota of elk than the late season management actions that FWP and the Commission approved. If passed, that will be 35 elk extra a season that private ranchers will be able to take on their lands. But I digress due to having to deal with that bloody audio just now, hearing it again.

At any rate, I hear more and more hunters (and some non-consumptive conservationists) discuss the need for lawsuits to get control back of our public trust from the special interest groups and the agencies that are co-opted, that should be managing for the Public Trust. You write as a man of integrity and ethics, and bold enough to speak your mind. Thank you.
I get a pretty good laugh at all the naive disappointment in this thread by people who are shocked that a Congress/Senate that is bought and paid for by the NRA/big Oil//the Public Land Selling GOP/and Welfare Ranchers-Ag doesn't look out for hunters, fishermen, and others who use MyPublic Lands.

Especially when it is the same cast of characters who bemoan the "frivolous lawsuits" that have beenTHE most effective vehicle of change and protection on My Public Lands.

So, you all go ahead and write letters to the intern in the Senators office, knowing fully that the Senator will NEVER see it (as he is too busy getting his arm twisted by the NRA), while I will save my ink to scratch my signature on checks funding more lawsuits to protect My Public Lands on your behalf.

Always offering such unbiased opinions. Not sure why you even bother other than to prove how smart you are to yourself. I'm sure you have all the answers so please share them with yourself.
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