Scottish Highland Stags


New member
Apr 28, 2017
Hi Guys

Every October a group of mates and myself take a week at the stags in the rut.

Doesn't matter if you are shooting or not they all still come for the banter.

Its a great week. Lots of crack and lots of rutting stags.

The worst bit it the pressure of the target. 5 or 6 lads giggling away trying to shoot a target at 100 yards.
usually with a 3 inch banger in the middle. Good laugh.

This year we had one lad with us who had never shot a deer.
He had a great stalk down a raging burn into a nice stag.
He got soaked but it was worth it.

it is stunning up there. Even on a bad day.

For my Stag we had a steep hitch up this face after finding a him.
we got to about 400 yards away. He was sat behind a rock. All i could see was his antlers.
i was up to my elbows is water.

The stalker asked me if i fancied a little fun.
bring it on!

The Stalker started roaring at the stag. Boom he was on his feet and looking straight at him.
He gave another roar. That was it the stag was on his way. He would roar then we would. Nice wee conversation.
It was amazing. He walk straight towards us.
He was getting close.

There was no shot until about 80 yards. He lifted his head to roar. Safe backstop, no other part of the body behind the target.
Cross hair under the chin, a crack of the 243 and the lights were out.

The best drag of my life straight down hill and it was wet.


Here is some other photos for you. Hope you enjoy.






This is one hunt I'd gladly travel overseas for. Always dreamed of a Scottish stag hunt. Great shots & post!
Get over here Ben. i know a lot of estates where we can sort you out with Stag.

The wife & I Have been talking about a UK vacation for a while now. Assuming October is the best month? Would probably like to do some grouse shooting as well, if I can find the right tweeds. :)
End of September and up to 20th of October.

i can sort grouse out as well for you. Walked up and Driven
Awesome! Love the story and the pics!

PS- I might steal the conveyor belt idea for dragging deer. Very redneck and quite ingenious.
Oh my. Walked up grouse on a Scottish moor & Red Stag?

This would be one of those trips that puts me in the poor house as the equanimity factor comes in to play. :)
I could sort a day walked up grouse in the borders. And partridge driven the next day. Then could drive up north to so for a stag
Beautiful country and stags, Alan. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. I am sure Ben would have the perfect Old World firearm for a hunt in Scotland. So Ben, which one of your collection would you take on a Scottish Highland hunt?
Very interesting hunt story and pics, especially like the weapon/quarry frame. Thanks.
How hard would it be for a Yankee to come over for a stag hunt? My wife is one of those crazy "Outlander" fans and wants to visit Scotland, but I mean who wouldn't? Maybe I can squeeze in some hunting while we're there.
How hard would it be for a Yankee to come over for a stag hunt? My wife is one of those crazy "Outlander" fans and wants to visit Scotland, but I mean who wouldn't? Maybe I can squeeze in some hunting while we're there.

No problem at all to hunt over here.
Just use the stalkers rifle.

As long as you can prove a 3 shot group at 100 yards.
Easy easy.

I can help out if you want.


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