Quick breakfast in elk country?


Feb 17, 2012
I need some ideas for a quick breakfast. I am a picky eater so breakfast is tough one for me cause im not a fan of any energy bars or trail mix. We pack in on horse so weight isn't to much of a problem within reason. Granted no one wants to wake up at 3am and start making eggs and bacon so anyone have any ideas.
You can do the usual doughnut or pop tarts but also a cup of noodles, or a PBJ works really well too. Don't restrict yourself to traditional breakfast stuff. Nothing wrong with a left over burger or ham sandwich either.
quick: mud, bagel, and a handful or two of shucked pistachios.
Depends on the morning though, if the plan is to go further, higher, longer - might need more calories. Add : granola bar and 1 green apple.
I try not to cook for breakfast and lunch. Cooking a meal in the mornings or afternoons takes time away from elk hunting. Plus eating little, and often will help keep you going throughout the day. I typically eat poptarts, granola bars, peanuts, dried fruit, salami, jerky, tortillas, and cliffs bars throughout the day. When I get back to camp after dark I will make a meal.
Logan Bread. Keeps a long time and you can easily tweek the recipe to fit your taste. Make it beforehand and throw it in a zip lock.
I either use instant oatmeal or cereal. Just tear the top off the oatmeal pouch and pour in the hot water...it won't leak through the packaging. The other thing I do sometimes is to premix a single serving of cereal and dehydrated milk in sandwich bags. In the morning, just add water and stir.
make up some burritos the night before and wrap in tinfoil and throw them in the fire for a few minutes in the morning to warm them up
High fat, high protien, high calorie meals in the morning are my go to. Nuts, sausage, etc. Leftovers from the night before are good as well, especially if there's meat involved. The burrito idea is solid since you're packing in. Make up a mess of them and have 'em all week.
The MH breakfast skillet is the best I've had, toss in a few packets of taco sauce and torillas... great breakfast, will keep you sheep hunting all day. :)

I don't care much for breakfast either, the thought of oatmeal makes me want gag after about 3 days.

Tortilla with PB and jelly are pretty good, and bagels as well.

Granola and powdered milk.
If you something to boil water in plus the fixins, a fresh omelet in a bag? Couple of eggs, diced onion, peppers, shredded cheese and diced up whatever meat is left over. Protein
Starting out from a base camp each day I usually do big muffins, banana bread, bagels, stuff like that.

I save the trailmix and jerky type stuff for a morning snack.
High fat, high protien, high calorie meals in the morning are my go to. Nuts, sausage, etc. Leftovers from the night before are good as well, especially if there's meat involved. The burrito idea is solid since you're packing in. Make up a mess of them and have 'em all week.

You like nuts & sausage loaded with protein in the morning?
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