Post pics already!!!!


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
Now it's my turn. Rumor has it that two elk went down this weekend. One by Moosie and one by Wylee. So let's hear the story and see the pics. :D :D :D
Moosie needs to buy "Elk Hunter" boots every year before going hunting to bring him good luck. Congrats Wylee and Moosie on the successful hunt. At the rate Moosie goes, we will more than likely have to depend on Wylee to get the pictures posted!! :D :) :D
Would you believe I actually heard about this YESTERDAY on ANOTHER FORUM?!?!
Kinda Tacky when the "Head Honcho" post on other boards before he posts on the board with his name on it. I just come around for the recipes..............John
Just as an FYI, I was busting someones BAlls on late last night and said something about me not being able to reply because I've been out packing elk.

Also for an FYI, I tried logging onto this Site (My own site BTW) and Del Had me locked out yesterday.... and It was jsut a littel bit ago I had Access again :) He said it was the Software but I'm sure he had a Bet with someone beting he could keep me BANNED from my own site for a few days :)

On the elk, Nothing crazy to report. had one day , Went up and Stacked a couple Meat bulls for the Freezer and came home.... Story tonight. PS, I didn't have a Camera so Wylee will have to hook us up.

....... Although the bulls aren't big, the stories will be. Stay tuned.. ;)
Man I keep checking over at the other site to see if Moosie posted pictures yet.:) It sure doesn't seem like he's going to post here any time soon. :) Anyway congrats and you better be getting you chit ready....
No time for Story.. Sorry....(Hopefully Wylee can jump in sometime this week with one) Still have 3 meetings tonight and haven't even started packing for the 7 day hunt coming up......

Here is a couple pictures to tide you over for 9 days till I return, Once again, Sorry for no story, I will write one....... Sometime ... ;) :

Chuck Adam pose :


Real pose :


Chuck Adam pose :


Real pose :

Congrats on the bulls! I like the Adams poses. How was the pack out in all that white stuff?
Looks like you got there just in time for the snow. Looks good. I am trying to send Kevin pics of Gene's elk that I promised. Bear with me.......... Where are those pics taken? Looks kinda like Lowman area.
Nice going guys and awesome snow conditions. Congrats, Moosie your bull could darn near be a twin of my dads from this year.
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