Passing of a sportsman


New member
Dec 8, 2004
New Brunswick Canada
Well I got word tonight that my uncle and a long time woodsman and sportsman has passed away this evening. He has battled with Alsymers (sorry for spelling) for years and the disease has finally taken him. I have to admit that I expected this message for a while now and feel that this is....... Well not to sound morbid but .............. A good thing for all involved. He was not really himself anymore and it was hard for my mom and her sister in law (my uncles wife) to watch him go from a man that never missed a chance to hunt, fish, well just go go go to man that couldn't even sit up without being strapped in. I am sad to loose the story teller but we actually lost that about 4 years ago so this is just the finial page in his life.
It will be hard to say goodbye but I think it is needed that I go home this weekend to do this.
Take care all and treasure every moment you have to hunt with a family member or a friend.
I have some very good memories of Uncle Don.
Stilllearning, its a better thing, it is sad to watch a once vibrant person loose the abilities to do the things they love. I have an acquaitence here that developed Parkinson disease and its devastating. He was a Sporting Clay shooter, Grouse hunter, and fisherman. He cannot do any of these things anymore. His boat is for sale in front of my place, his reloading supplies are in my basement, his rods and fishing gear will be going for sale soon, his guns, his son wants. This guy is mentaly alert, but cannot function physically, can you imagine the frustration he is feeling.
I will be praying for you and your family. You are right about treasuring the time with family.
bruce your uncle is right beside my wife dad that just pass away two week ago. if he was like her dad they are probly enjoying a cold beer and talking of pass hunting and fishing story. Condolences go out to your family.
Thank you folks and here is the finial update for this post. Thanks for listening.

Well I am home finally after the funeral. It was a nice funeral as far as funerals go and I could not get over how composed my aunt was when people were around. But when she was alone I hear that is when she would cry.
My mom on the other hand was a wreck. I think the fact that her big brother who protected her when she was young and even helped to find them a good spot to stay near him in Florida when Dad retired hit home that he was gone and she was all alone in the world without a Mom, Dad or big brother now.

When we got Mom and Dad's after the funeral she seemed better and could actually eat a bit which was nice to see. I only pray that she sleeps well and dreams of Uncle Don on a knoll in full orange waving see you latter and I will still be with you forever.

Happy hunting Uncle Don. We will miss you.
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