Parrots, finally.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
A little embarrassed I haven't had GuNR out for pheasants yet. Today was the day and we were invited on a hunt from a co-worker. Big fun.

GuNR, do you want to find some birds? I think it was a big yes.

So serious.

It took until mid-December, but here is our first pheasant of the year.

We ended up with a limit...almost. Let's call it two and a half birds. I should have waited another 15 yards on the last one.:eek:
That is one photogenic dog, great photos too. Congrats on the birds.
Your 2 and a half birds reminds me of my first pintail a couple years ago. The ducks jumped, time seemed to stand still when I saw the drake, I was already planning the trip into the taxidermist, I was telling myself he was too close at the same time I was telling myself to shoot in case the first shot was a miss, BOOM and a cloud of feathers went everywhere - at least I didn't miss.
Glad you broke the ice. Henry and I went out today. The pheasants were acting like antelope on Red Bull. The only way we were going to kill any today was with an RPG.
congrats, GuNR is sooooooo happy in that first pic: awesome.
You better step it up or GuNR's gonna report you for dog abuse. I haven't done much better, only had Ranger out a couple times so far.
GuNR has really fit well! Grats on an always great day out with the 4 legged buddy.
Man, those photos are crystal clear. What lens do you use?

Thanks. GuNR shots were with Nikon 70-300 after I had killed my limit and we were trying to get birds for other folks. Bird shot was with beat up 18-105. Focus was off on that one.