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Out West Who's our Candidate for Pres?

Romney will be hosted by one of the areas Founding Families of Conservation this month. Paul and Skipper Dickson have made it their life's mission to make sure they leave the world for Wildlife better than when they were born. These are the people I want to see associated with the man we will probably see running against Obama. Please visit the Link provided to see the type of people Romney will be around. John

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will be in Shreveport for a fund-raising event on Friday, March 23, just one day before Louisiana's primary election.

Hosts of the event, which will be held at Shreveport's Petroleum Club, are Paul Dickson and U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-LA 5th District).

There are two levels of attendance at the event. Those wishing to attend the VIP Photo Reception and get their photos taken with the candidate may do so for $2,500 per person or $5,000 per couple. Those finding the photo op a little pricey can attend the general reception for $1,000 per person or $2,000 per couple.

Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes, however. Also, contributions by corporations, foreign nationals (non-green card holders), labor unions, federal government contractors and minors under the age of 18 are prohibited.


Can you explain how exactly expanding the borders of Glacier National Park increases hunting opportunity? Last I look that entire area is off limits to hunting. I have no issue with increasing the area the of land protected for future generations at all, don't know that expanding the park is going to increase my kids chance of hunting public lands.

Again if I were a single issue voter I would line up always in protecting more lands. I am not a single issue voter because without the money and resources to manage public lands they are not truly protected and given that the Obama took a terrible debt situation racked u[pduring W's term and decided to show the Republicans how to really spend money without paying for it he has put us in an even bigger unsustainable hole. So while I could hold my nose and vote for Obama, I would rather have a choice to vote for somebody that perhaps would actually attempt to leave to my kids a country that not only had public lands but also had the funds to manage those lands. I am not convinced Romney is that guy but I am convinced that President Obama has no intention of cutting spending or raising taxes or broadening the tax base and decreasing rates or doing anything other than continuing to borrow a trillion a year to finance his policies. If he couldn't end the Bush tax cuts whe Democrats controlled the House, Senate and he was President then I don't believe he is going to fight to begin to get our out of control spending and spend and don't tax ways under control.

As for hunting and valuing public lands perhaps Romney could be educated, perhaps not, I see little to no hope of Obama ever reeling spending or taxing enought to close the deficit down to even a sustainable level. Yes he was handed a country on fire and to fight the fire he poured gasoline on it. Strictly my opinion. Republicans are no better but when I get to the voting booth I can basically vote yes or no on a second Obama term. The jury is still out as to whether he deserves another bite of the apple or not IMO.

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Romney... he a republican this election? Ya know... you flip a steak too many times on the grill it turns to crap. How the hell you fight against obamacare with the likes of romneycare?

Sfw... romney... cattle rancher... romney. Obamacare... romney.

Tell you sugar the kool aid a bit more boys and you too can avoid who romney really is. I dont care for partisan politics...

It boils down to who is present and most closely represents my thought.

Romney is a JOKE! Just have to figure who is the lesser joke... this election has to be the epic joke of jokes in our history.

Do the math and Romney is going to be the nominee, so if you are looking for another Republican to run you best start recruiting for 2016.

Nemont- two things. One, the point of this thread was to see (as a sportsman) which candidate best represents the value of the sportsman. Romney is not that candidate (and you all but say this). Second, expanding a national park may not increase "huntable" land but it certainly helps increase "huntable" game numbers. Just because you can't hunt yellowstone doesn't mean hunters do not benefit tremendously because of Yellowstone National Park...I'm positive you will vote for Romney, if nothing else hoping he will over turn the Health reform act. I understand. If I were you, I would be doing the same thing. But that is not the topic of this thread.
If I had to vote just on hunting I would sit out this election because neither guy represents me or my hunting heritage.

I am positive you will vote for Obama so I guess we are even. To get my vote all Obama would have to do is take a stand on actually raising more revenue and cutting spending. He punted every time he had a chance to do something significant in those areas. I like his style on foreign affairs and having the guts to send the SEALS into Pakistan to kill bin Laden. He is continuing the polices that will enslave my children and grand children in debt prison. The future of my kids and grand kids usually trumps most other issues. They won't have the time or money to hunt because all they will do is work to pay for the debt we continue to rack up. Romney is no better.


Do the math and Romney is going to be the nominee, so if you are looking for another Republican to run you best start recruiting for 2016.


Ya, I agree... Romney is going to be the nominee... I also agree... neither candidate does jack with respect towards my public land... though, Obama has not attacked our public land as the Repubs are this election round. Also, Obama is the administration who acted upon our 2nd amendment to involve our national parks.

Personally, to the sportsman - I think Obama is the better pic... though when I weigh non outdoors actions - I... well, hell - I can not say there is any difference between a flip flopping Romney who advocates a version of Obamacare...

I look at it this way, Romney - now a republican pushes his crappy vision of Romneycare upon us... WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO FIGHT HIM? Congress with the Repub base that voted him into office? The Democrats that want a nationalized social program? Not near the level with a democrat pushing this...

If it is Obama... least I know the repubs will continue to combat such ideas I am opposed to.

I don't know... possible retiring Supreme Court Justices, public land, health care-rupt... All has to be weighed...
I never heard a thing about Romney wanting to take public land.Guess I need to watch MSNBC,roflmao!!!!I really don't think we have much choice this time around.But, theres no way Obama would ever get my vote.I'm a racist,lol.The liberals had their time to try and destroy our country.With health care still be the leading issue as to why alot of Americans aren't working.I will always be able to find public land to hunt on;no doubt in my mind.

Likely the only thing you typed with any grain of truth is your admission to being a racist. The fact you laugh about openly admitting your racism tells quite a bit about your character, or, more accurately, your lack of character.

You can keep repeating your nonsense lie about Health Care Reform stopping job creation, and, maybe if you repeat it enough times, you will start believing in the crap you hear from AM Radio and Fox News. The fact of the matter is that even the Republican Party has quit with the nonsense of "Job Creators holding back", as that just isn't true.

This is the third thread that I have seen that you spewed that nonsense, and, the third thread where FACTS were produced to correct your in-bred ignorance. Are you this stupid and dishonest all the time, or only when you post?


From today's news headlines.....
U.S. job growth remains brisk in February

The American economy kept creating jobs at a brisk pace in February, providing more evidence that the labor market is firming up despite higher gas prices and an unsettled global economy.

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added 227,000 jobs last month, slightly more than what most economists were expecting.

The nation’s jobless rate remained at 8.3% in February after falling for five straight months.

Job growth has been accelerating since summer and looks increasingly to be on a sustainable path after a bumpy recovery marked by fits and starts.
Hosts of the event, which will be held at Shreveport's Petroleum Club, are Paul Dickson and U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-LA 5th District).

LMAO, besides the obvious irony of the Romney Fundraiser being held at The Petroleum Club, it is hilarious that somebody would support the ass-clown Rodney Alexander who has a HISTORY OF VOTING FOR THE SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS.

Yeah, don't worry about Romney selling My Public Lands, he has Rodney Alexander supporting him with a history of VOTING TO SELL PUBLIC LANDS in HR 310 in 2008.


Yes, the same Rodney Alexander R-La that in July 2010 introduced an amendment to eliminate the Conservation Stewardship Program. Yep, that is a guy that cares about hunting and should be good to help Romney raise money from The Petroleum Club.


Yep, the same Rodney Alexander R-La that in 2010 voted to cut funding and expire a program that provided volunteer opportunities in National Parks. Yeah, good to see Romney running around Lousiana with someone like that while raising money at The Petroleum Club.


Yeppers, the same Rodney Alexander R-La that in 2009 voted against H.R. 146, the Public Land Management Act of 2009. This Act combined into one measure more than 160 proposals designating millions of acres of new wildernesses, wild and scenic rivers, hiking trails, heritage areas, water projects, and historic preservation initiatives. Yeah, good to see Romney hanging around with Rodney Alexander at The Petroleum Club raising money.


Yes, Rodney Alexander has quite the history on Public Lands. Why, way back in 2003 he voted for H.R. 2691. Fiscal 2004 Interior Appropriations/Vote to Restrict the Federal Government's Ability to Regulate the Access of Private and Commercial Interests, Such as Logging and Mining Operations, to Public Lands The act restricted the BLM's so-called "rights-of-way" powers. Rights-of-way powers allow the Bureau to regulate access to public lands and deny entrance to individuals or groups who may exploit the land for their own material gain (loggers, miners, etc.). The purpose of the amendment that Rodney Alexander voted for was an attempt to open federally-managed wilderness areas to logging, mining, and other commercial interests. Yes, Romney and Alexander raising money at The Petroleum Club is a positive for people who want to hunt from roads built for drilling rigs on BLM property.


The federal government recorded its worst monthly deficit in history in February, according to a preliminary report Wednesday from the Congressional Budget Office that said the deficit in fiscal year 2012 is already more than half a trillion dollars.

The CBO’s figures show that despite repeated efforts to trim spending, the government has borrowed 42 cents of every dollar it spent during the first five months of this fiscal year.

The nonpartisan agency projected the government will run a deficit of $229 billion in February, the highest monthly figure ever. The previous high was $223 billion a year ago, in February 2011.

It is the 41st straight month the government has run a deficit — itself a record streak that dates back to the final months of President George W. Bush’s tenure. Before now, the longest streak on record was 11 months.

For all of fiscal year 2012, which began Oct. 1, the budget analysts said the government has raised $869 billion in revenue but spent $1.5 trillion so far.

Congress and President Obama sparred for most of last year on how to cut spending, but the CBO’s figures show that spending has actually remained flat in 2012 once the timing of certain payments has been adjusted.

Mr. Obama last month released a budget that showed the government averaging $1 trillion deficits for the rest of this decade. House Republicans are working to write their own budget now, while Senate Democratic leader Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada has said he doubts his chamber will write a budget this year.

It's still all Bush's fault. LMAO
Congress and President Obama sparred for most of last year on how to cut spending, but the CBO’s figures show that spending has actually remained flat in 2012 once the timing of certain payments has been adjusted.

Let's see, if you hold spending flat, how would you cut the deficit???? Maybe raise revenues??

Are you now advocating tax increases??

(And, seriously, you are using the Washington Times as a source? Since when did you start buying publications from the Moonies?)
Jose, Why do you think the Petroleum Club needs to be in Bold Type? It's not a $35,000 a plat Obama Function. Is it a bad thing to make money these days, are you Occuping Hunt Talk now? John
Jose, Why do you think the Petroleum Club needs to be in Bold Type? It's not a $35,000 a plat Obama Function. Is it a bad thing to make money these days, are you Occuping Hunt Talk now? John

Nope, nothing wrong with making money, just don't destroy my hunting lands to do it. And people need to see who Romney is hanging around with to do his fundraising. You don't think hanging around with someone like Rodney Alexander R-La who has a history of trying to sell My Public Lands is a bad thing for hunting?

And you don't think Romney raising money at The Petroleum Club shows who he really cares about on issues of Public Lands?

For balance sake did you check out Mr. Dickson? I dare say that in any room at a fundraiser you will find anyone from a family like the Dickson's who have given lots of their own land to establish Reserves to people who would profit from the sale of Public Lands. And They will be Deocrat, Republican and Independants. And as for the Petroleum Club, it has been host to many Presidents and First ladies because of it's security factor. Plus they have a great steak! John

Not laffin, just trying to debate.

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