Obama's Economy


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
The economy is so bad that I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

What has been your indication that his "Change" sucks ?
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well we are changing back to $4/ gallon gas.... how could that suck for anyone?
I don't know if it's just me seeing a coorelation between the house going under Republican control and the price of oil increasing. It seems that happened the last couple times the house was controlled by the Republican party. It may just be happenstance but it sure happens a lot to be coincidence...
I think everyone in Washington shares the blame for the mess we are in now. We have been sliding down a slippery slope since Clinton and nobody has done anything to help us. Everything they do justs makes the economy worse. It would be nice if everyone there could only serve one term in office.
Hold your Gold and Silver boys... Its gona get rough ...."inflation"
I don`t know what you guys are talking about! I`ve been hearing that things are getting better! The economy is making a turnaround, the unemployement is turning around also according to how many are filing. So....any day now we can see all of this will be just a bad memory! :confused: :rolleyes:

That`s what I heard on the news anyway! :D
I don't know if it's just me seeing a coorelation between the house going under Republican control and the price of oil increasing. It seems that happened the last couple times the house was controlled by the Republican party. It may just be happenstance but it sure happens a lot to be coincidence...

That seems like a bit of a stretch.

I remember when Bush was in office and every lib said that oil would come down as soon as he was out...and it did....NOT!!!

But since we're on conspiracy theories, where is Obama's birth certificate? :rolleyes:

Just kidding. Both are equally ridiculous. Lets come back to earth.
Oil is driven by global markets. Libya's unrest gives us $4 a gallon gas. Not Obama or Bush.

BTW - I still think the entire 8 years of W were illegal because Cheney and Bush were both Texas residents. CONSPIRACY!!! :)
You boys can keep griping about your high gas and diesel prices. If you had electric cars you would be much better off.

Why ,just the other day I unplugged my electric powered SUV from the outlet on my wind driven turbine generator and went for a spin in the mountains. I was bustin through three foot snow drifts listening to NPR and thinking how much better DinkShooter would be able to road hunt out of an electric truck. I watched a pack of wolves playing tag with a herd of elk for a while. (That was pretty fun until one of the wolves got kinky and started chewing on the elk's leg. Do many wolves have a foot fetish like that?) Yeah, I was thinking about all you poor suckers still raping and killing our planet with your carcinogenic, gas guzzling, carbon producing, combustion engines and was feeling pretty satisfied with myself.
Just then the little leaf on my dash stopped glowing and I noticed I wasn't making forward progress. Drat! This snow bank was too high to bust through. I was stranded a long way from the house! With a big sigh I opened the door on my roomy SUV. I bumped my head on the door frame and let fly with two of my choicest epithets. "BUSH!" "Cheney!"

I looked around and took stock of my situation. The snow was halfway up the sides of my Birkenstocks and my car was stuck on a snow bank at least 4 inches high. I was going to have to hike back to civilization and call a tow truck. I lowered my head and started the trek. I had taken only a few steps when I thought, "Since I'm almost at the end of my driveway, I may as well get my mail while I'm here." I retrieved the newspaper and my electric bill from the mailbox and headed back into the house. I called the tow truck, brewed a fresh espresso and opened my power bill while I scanned the front page of the newspaper. "New Coal Burning Power Plant Slated For Construction" screamed the front page headline. " The Bushtages!", I muttered under my breath as I read further.

I was halfway through the lead sentence of Increased demands on electric consumption has lead for the need of a new power generating plant", say local officials, when I glanced at my power bill. $375!!!!! " What's the deal? " It used to be less than a hundred bucks up until those $#$#@ Repugliklans took over the House. Its a good thing I got my electric car at the same time. Who knows what I'd be paying if I didn't have that car. It was too bad that it cost $50,000. but the subsidy sure helped out a bunch.

Just then the door bell rang. It was the tow truck guy. "You need some help with a stuck car?" he asked. "Yeah," I replied. " I need to get it back into the garage and get it charged up again. You mind giving me a tow?"

"Tow, Shmow," was his retort. " Just sit in there and steer and I'll push you in by hand." As he was pushing me back into the garage he asked. " How's this electric car treating you?"

" It's got some challenges," I admitted. " But at least I'm not raping and murdering our planet like you guys that are still driving gas rigs."

The tow truck guy just grunted and held out his hand. " That'll be $50 buddy. You can be glad I'm giving you the frequent customer discount instead of charging you $75 like the last four times. Have a nice day."

As he left I let another choice epithet fly in his general direction "Karl Rove!" I don't think he even heard it, he was driving away in a cloud of smoke, the Bushtage.
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Belly Deep
I remember when Bush was in office and every lib said that oil would come down as soon as he was out...and it did....NOT!!!

September 2008 price of gas was $3.86 per gallon
December 2008 (just after the election) price of gas $1.59 per gallon

Wasn't the election in November 2008?
Belly Deep

September 2008 price of gas was $3.86 per gallon
December 2008 (just after the election) price of gas $1.59 per gallon

Wasn't the election in November 2008?

If you'll remember correctly, gas hit a low in 2008 because of a world-wide recession...so I'm glad you agree Bush was responsible for the price decrease.

It only stayed at that low for a few months before it went back up.

On the other hand, its hovered between 2.50-3.00 for most of Obama's term...so your point is?
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Belly Deep- Once again your wrong on the price of gas from when democrats took both house and senate and presidency until when the house was taken by the republicans. The over-all weekly average from Nov 2008 until Nov 2010 was $2.49. The weekly average from Nov 2010 until now is $3.04. This may be a coincidence...
Gerald's whole story is BS. A real hippie wouldn't mention they were wearing Birkenstocks, it is something that is just understood.
Ah... Yer on to me laddie! :) But really Dinkshooter, can't you see the potential. Cruisin the back roads in a Volt, sipping a camoflaged Buddumber, rifle barrels out the window? Or maybe if Hinkle's bill passes through Montana legislation we could have spears sticking out of each window.

The Montana Renassiance hunter. The perfect fusion of Hippie, Redneck, and Caveman. That would be a great OYOA segment!
Belly Deep- Once again your wrong on the price of gas from when democrats took both house and senate and presidency until when the house was taken by the republicans. The over-all weekly average from Nov 2008 until Nov 2010 was $2.49. The weekly average from Nov 2010 until now is $3.04. This may be a coincidence...

First off, I wasn't wrong on the price of gas. It has hovered from 2.50-3.00 for most of Obama's term.

Second, the numbers you cite are from Nov 2010. The republican's haven't had a majority in the house since Nov, they have been in there since Jan. (so you're going to compare average gas prices from a little over a month on the repub side to two years on the dem side?)

Third there are explanations for both the low price of gas at the start of Obama's term (world-wide economics) and the high price currently (numerous civil uprisings in the mid east).

Your conspiracy rests on pretty shaky ground.
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