Obama gets his way with the UN Gun Ban Treaty


Jul 19, 2011
Hampton, SC
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the first international treaty regulating the multibillion-dollar global arms trade Tuesday, after a more than decade-long campaign to keep weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists, warlords, organized crime figures and human rights violators.

Loud cheers erupted in the assembly chamber as the electronic board flashed the final vote: 154 in favor, 3 against and 23 abstentions.

"This is a victory for the world's people," U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. "The Arms Trade Treaty will make it more difficult for deadly weapons to be diverted into the illicit market. ... It will be a powerful new tool in our efforts to prevent grave human rights abuses or violations of international humanitarian law."

The United States, the world's biggest arms exporter, voted yes.

Now let's see how long it takes for 50 member nations to ratify the damn thing. Wonder about the speed and amount of munitions Obama will get shipped to Syria, before the UN can intervene. Wonder what Obama will do when the Senate refuses to ratify this?
You do realize that the U.S. voting yes on this doesn't make us signatory to the treaty? It has to ratified by 2/3rds of the Senate in order for us to be signatory to it.

Care to bet if there are 2/3rds of Senators who will vote to ratify?

In addition by opposing this treaty it puts us with those other bastions of freedom and democracy: North Korea, Iran and Syria.

We were so close to this thread sinking into oblivion without any responses, but since we've already got one I'll chime in with my 2 cents.

What's so bad about signing a treaty that restricts the sale of arms to North Korea, Iran, Syria and other terrorist states?
On the surface nothing is bad about it. You suppose most of these arm sales are done in public with other countries approvals and every one knowing about it when they happen? Do you actually believe this will stop shipment of arms to rogue nations, terrorists and human rights violators?

Have you ever seen the video of the AK-47 builders in caves in Pakistan? This is where the majority of terrorists are getting small arms in the 3rd world crap holes, not from the US.

Can we (the USA) stop shipping arms, tanks and fighter jets to radical nations now?? Can we quit making back door policies that allow and encourage guns to walk across our borders into Mexican drug lord hands?
Can we (the USA) stop shipping arms, tanks and fighter jets to radical nations now?? Can we quit making back door policies that allow and encourage guns to walk across our borders into Mexican drug lord hands?

Um, guessing no. Must be easier to buy skeeter and company's version....or blame predecessors. And please quit boring our mountain members, there are important leash laws pending in their state's legislature damnit!:rolleyes:;);)
Have you ever seen the video of the AK-47 builders in caves in Pakistan? This is where the majority of terrorists are getting small arms in the 3rd world crap holes, not from the US.

No - seriously, are they forging the barrels in the caves or something? Seems like shipping parts would be banned too, but I'm not on the Alex Jones email list so I don't get daily updates on the impending takeover of the U.S.
Um, guessing no. Must be easier to buy skeeter and company's version....or blame predecessors. And please quit boring our mountain members, there are important leash laws pending in their state's legislature damnit!:rolleyes:;);)
Don't you have a Union to secede from or something? :D
NHY- It would be great if MT had a state-wide leash law or voice command law. It would help battle the "footloose MT" people. As it is now...dogs run loose/ no voice command. They get caught in a trap...trapper becomes all things evil. A lot of talk about making large "No-Trapping" zones on state and federal lands because fido can't run loose without the fear of being snared or caught in a leg hold. Any guess if there are more dog owners or trappers in MT?

As far as the Treaty...it means little to nothing within the US. It however, does give grounds for stopping some arms trade between nations. The US is one of the largest exporters of arms throughout the world. So it may have an affect in this area.
As far a your comment re: state wide leash law? Do you have HIA? I am in Colorado, not MT, but why don't you just move to CA?
No - seriously, are they forging the barrels in the caves or something? Seems like shipping parts would be banned too, but I'm not on the Alex Jones email list so I don't get daily updates on the impending takeover of the U.S.

Check it for yourself homey, here, I'll help you.


I'm not sure if you were trying to insult me by connecting me with Alex Jones but you would only be making your self look as foollish as he by doing so.
No - seriously, are they forging the barrels in the caves or something? Seems like shipping parts would be banned too, but I'm not on the Alex Jones email list so I don't get daily updates on the impending takeover of the U.S.

Actually they do.
Nemont, did you even bother to read my original post, and the following paragraph that ended it?

Now let's see how long it takes for 50 member nations to ratify the damn thing. Wonder about the speed and amount of munitions Obama will get shipped to Syria, before the UN can intervene. Wonder what Obama will do when the Senate refuses to ratify this?

Remember that the current composition of the Senate could be changed in one or two election cycles, and there isn't a time limit set for ratification. Also, don't forget that Obama will probably be able to appoint at least two new justices during his second occupation of the White House. Can anyone state definitively that some hanky-panky agreement couldn't be struck between Obama and a potential jurist who would support and end run around the Senate? Obama has already hinted that he would consider using executive orders to force a gun ban if the Senate blocks the current proposals; so who can honestly state he won't try a similar tactic to violate the Constitutional requirement of Senate ratification???????????

Do all of you people actually trust the imposter in chief??????? If so, please let me sell y'all some swamp property!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check it for yourself homey, here, I'll help you.


I'm not sure if you were trying to insult me by connecting me with Alex Jones but you would only be making your self look as foollish as he by doing so.
Sorry, the Alex Jones comment wasn't aimed at you unless you think we're one step away from Marshall Law, Agenda 21, etc.

Thanks for the video - I thought you were serious about the caves, but I can believe that little shops can crank them out. Those guys should wear ear protection or they will injure themselves :D
Nemont, did you even bother to read my original post, and the following paragraph that ended it?

I did, but you lead with this passing the UN, BFD because it won't pass the senate.

Wonder what Obama will do when the Senate refuses to ratify this? Obama has already hinted that he would consider using executive orders to force a gun ban if the Senate blocks the current proposals; so who can honestly state he won't try a similar tactic to violate the Constitutional requirement of Senate ratification???????????

You must not believe in the Constitution that Founders wrote because if the President violates the Constitution there is recourse to correct that. Can you find me a quote that says Obama will use an EO to enforce a gun ban? There is not gun ban that is going to pass the Senate so if he was going that route he could have already.

He has said he would do all he could with an EO which means: enforce current laws. He cannot reimpose an AWB via an EO regardless of what you believe.

He cannot honor any treaty without us being Signatory to such a treaty, this means that without Senate ratification he can wish all he wants.

ate refuses to ratify this?

Remember that the current composition of the Senate could be changed in one or two election cycles, and there isn't a time limit set for ratification.

Maybe the GOP should get serious about winning and stop having purity contests and nominating stupid candidate that talk about legitimate rape and say other outlandish stupid stuff. The GOP has lost at least 5 senate seats they should have carried by having rightwinger know nothings primary candidates that could win.

As for trust, I don't trust anything about politics but our system works regardless of who is in office.


PS how exactly is President Obama an "imposter" ? Did you believe the same about George W. Bush, he won the first election via the very Court you think will sell everyone down the river.
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