New Mexico Aplications are out....

You may think you know me. But really, we could make this thing on a carnal basis...;)

Maybe on your way through to NM you guys could stop by, you know have a little looksie of what to hold out for, before dropping the hammer on your for'ked by spike... :D
Its Del from Arizona, Kraven from Washington, friend of Del's? from Arizona, me from Texas, and Steve from Illiniois in the picture. I remember that day, March 28, 2002.

We had people from 13 states on that group hunt, that was cool.

(its printed on the picture)
The whole Fam Damily, huh. That's cool... Heck, brew in hand, even I could've had a good time... I'd be the guy using both though. ;)
I think this was everybody or close to it....


Stop by your place on the way down ? Sure, #@**@% me in ... ;)

Here is a link to our trip. Not all the pictures up there ... but look closely at some of them......hump
Hey Moosie Congrats on your hunt.. there are some nice deer up in that area. and Lots of deer..too. :D Good Luck let me know if you need some info on the area I have hunted there a few times and we have always all tagged out.
let me know if you need some info on the area I have hunted there a few times and we have always all tagged out.

Do bears Chit in the woods ? Heck yah . Well, Actually I don't "NEED" any info, but I'd like to know as much as I can before I go into a new area. Any info that you're willing to share would be great. We have a General Idea of the game plan. Something like, Drive down, Shoot 2 Big Bucks, Drive home. We're still working out all the other details ;)

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