My first Antelope


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
Hi Guys:

I wasn't able to bow hunt antelope so I picked up the .308 for the first time since 1979. I got her sighted in an headed to Wyoming. I talked to some people who were nice enough to give me some pointers about gun hunting these animals (THANKS). I DID NOT follow the advice: "DON"T shoot the first one that you see"!!!!

I scouted the area for 2 days before the season and found some nice bucks that were tending some does in heat. Tons of antelope in the Thunder Basin National Grasslands!!! On opening day I was at that location and found a buck with 12 does. I was so excited and knew that he was a mature buck. I did a little belly crawling and saw him in with the 12 does (no shot) at 90 yards. All of a sudden the does parted to the right and the left and he was standing all alone, broadside. Bang, he spins around and drops.

I did not think that he was the biggest buck, however, everyone was complimenting the buck on his lower mass and cutter length. He has a really nice mane and will look good on my wall. I am so happy!!!!! If I go back I will get pickier.

I went to town a bought a doe license and on the way back from camp shot a doe who was standing with a buck. I walked up to the dead doe and the buck would not leave. I got to within 60 yards of him before he ran off.

Now I must learn how to take photos of the animals as the horns do not stand out very well in my photos. I must outline them with the sky or something light in color.

The Thunder Basin Nat. Grasslands are so beautiful and I will try and make it back in a couple of years.

Good luck to all
the dog

Congrats Dog. You now have been stricken and you will return to the pronghorn prairies when ever you can. Great buck, especially for your first one.
Great work on your lope. I think we are going to have to put together a WY harvest pic only thread in a few weeks.

Congrats to you on the successful hunt.
Thanks all the compliments, guys. Next time I want to hunt that area with the bow.... stalk and decoy. I haven't connected with the bow yet and this seems to be an area that might just work.

good luck to all
the dog

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