Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, after making the big mistake of thinking our wolf seasons would be around forever and casually considering a wolf hunt during our last season in 2009, I am not taking it so casually this time around.

Many of you on this website were very involved in the wolf delisting process that occured this spring in MT and ID. As was I. Now, I intend to reap a few rewards of all the hard work that went into that process.

CritterGetter and I have blocked out the next five days to go and film a public land, self-guided WOLF hunt here in Montana. Can't believe I am typing that without worry of going to jail.

Critter has been scouting diligently while I was in Kansas. I have been working on my calling and he has been practicing his howling. Between us, I hope we can bring one to the lens and show that wolves are a worthy big game species.

Yes, I intend to eat one if we kill one. Just seems like the right thing to do.

For all of you who have helped with this delisting process, "This one's for you." So many obstacles were against that effort that it took a lot of political pressure to bring this to reality. And, it is still not completed in the courts.

We all know of the wing nut groups who we expected would be a deterent to delisting. Then, to have two supposed hunter groups working behind the scene to try kill the wolf hunts we are now having in MT and ID, well I best not say what I am really thinking. Suffice to say, "This one's NOT for you." Thanks for nothing.

For both of those groups, it was about the money. The wolf was more profitable than their most optimistic projections could have ever shown. Like most things in life, if you want to know where the group will stand on an issue, just follow where their money comes from.

But, enough of that. This is a celebration of the struggle it has taken to show that wolves can exist on our landscapes, IF MANAGED TO A LEVEL THAT RESPECTS LOCAL CONCERNS. That large predators can also be part of the wildlife management equation that has restored wildlife by conserving habitat. Wolves now, and hopefully someday, the ever expanding grizzly bear population.

We are going to be giving live updates each day, as connections allow. Will tell you what is working and what is not working. Telling of the kind of areas we are seeing wolf sign and where we are not. And hopefully, when it is all done, showing you how one wolf (maybe two) has become a TV star.

I am so thankful to be on a network that will allow me to air a wolf hunt. Our previous network would not, part of the reason I did not pursue them with as much vigor in 2009. Thanks Sportsman Channel!

Our sponsors think this is great. They do not shy away from the history that has got us here - science based management of all species, funded by their customers, the hunters of America. No apologies by them and none from me.

As part of that, Howa is putting together a link to celebrate this hunt whereby anyone who signs up for a 2012 Howa catalog will be put in a drawing for a brand new Howa Snow Camo rifle package. All you will need to do is sign up for the catalog and you are in. I will be posting that link in the next day or two.

Wish us luck. After the way my season has gone, I will need all the luck I can get. I am hoping it is cold enough that Critter and his grizzly attractant will not bring a big silvertip to our calls.

If we don't get one in the five days of filming, I plan to hunt them every day I can, until season closes or the quota is filled. Very exciting.
Good Luck!!! I will be very interested and watching how this unfolds. Hope you get some great video even if your not able to kill one
I think its time you cash in some of that luck you have been saving up this season Randy. Hope you get two on camera.
Wishing you both success. Have a great adventure.......just not so sure about the "eating-one" part!
Thanks guys. Feel free to share with friends. Posted a link on the OYOA Facebook page that takes people to this thread, allowing them to follow along. Feel free to share that on your FB pages.

+1...Gah!! ick!.

A canine I killed and cleaned myself has to better than some of the commercially processed seafood I see laying in slimey trays at the local grocery store. Hope I get the chance to find out.

Mrs. Fin says I have to grill it out in the shop. She is afraid it will cause mental stress to her Cockapoo, Lilly. Little does the white fluff, Lilly, know, that here canine relatives would love to have her tender little butt as an appetizer if we let her too far out the back door and up near the Gallatin Face.
Maybe all of your luck is waiting to catapult into this hunt. Indeed, very exciting for everyone on hunt talk. Go get'em! If this episode doesn't land OYOA in the top listed shows next year then the viewers are a bunch of bone heads!
Ah, heck I think I'll make mine into pepper stix:)

Cocked Locked, and ready to rock..............Wolves beware, got some federal premium bullets ready to meet you!
Fin I've got lots of friends who served missions in countries that eat dog. I'll ask what their favorite/most tolerable recipe was.:eek:
Good luck Fin. Hopefully you get several new TV stars on film, and in the freezer.
Fin I've got lots of friends who served missions in countries that eat dog. I'll ask what their favorite/most tolerable recipe was.:eek:

Sounds good. Since you are so busy building a house and have to move the family in before Christmas, we will make sure you get an invite to the festivities, even if we have to save you some for when you finally get moved in. Elk Widow can politely decline if she does not have an affection for canine morsels.
This will be great!

and Branden since I know you'll be reading this, any luck on your wolf adventures....I haven't gotten big, toothy, doggy pic with a non smiling face in the foreground so I'm assuming no....but figured I'd ask anyways.

Good luck to EVERYONE out hunting those things!
I can't wait to watch this hunt unfold. Wolf K- Bobs may be good with my killer marinade recipe!
Patiently waiting in Western Wyoming for MY home town wolf hunt and bar b que!