NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Montana Whitetails - Hope they cooperate!

Fin nice update. Oak where's yours..... It get's dark at 6:00 so don't tell us you need your beauty sleep. Oh never mind that's why you didn't post. You need as much as you can get. :)
Figures... Right when I give the guy crap I get a picture txt of a very nice whitetail buck. Congrats and I can't wait to read the story and see more pics.
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Well, my first whitetail hunt has been pretty fun so far. As Fin said, we split up yesterday, and I think he kept the hot spot for himself. ;) I saw a total of two whitetail does but many mule deer, including 7 bucks or so. Since Fin made me promise not to shoot a muley unless it was a buck for the ages, I kept the ammo out of the chamber.

Fin talked me into going with him this morning, back to the place he had his buck encounter yesterday. Since he had far more action over there than I did where I was at, I relented. We hadn't been gone from the truck 15 minutes when we topped the ridge and Fin spotted a nice buck staring at us. I'm still amazed that the buck stood there watching the commotion for as long as he did, and let me finally get set up for the shot.

My first whitetail:


A few more shots, because I'm pretty darned happy with this buck.




Turns out this was not the buck that Fin saw the day before. We decided to give that place a rest this afternoon and went to check out another area. We saw quite a few whitetails, including at least 6 bucks. Hopefully we can find Fin a good buck tomorrow.
Nice looking whitetail Oak. Great first one thats for sure! The matching hooked eyeguards are cool.
That's a great buck Oak! He's got a beast of a body on him and those eyeguards are cool. Congrats!
Now for Fin's version of today's events.

Pretty much what Oak said. How is that for a cop out?

Really, Oak made a great shot. Not too long, but the quartering toward us angle, and all the brush did not make it an easy shot. And, for him have the pressure of the camera guys telling him to hold off, along with me whispering to shoot that big *($##@ buck, probably didn't make things much easier.

Last night, we left a bunch of does in this drainage. That is why I was in such a yank to go there this morning. I thought the buck I encountered yesterday would be there. I never expected one like this to show up and give us such a great opportunity. His doe was hidden in the brush and so long as she was comfortable, she was not leaving. If she was not leaving, neither was he. Pursuit of the female persuasion has been the downfall of many a good buck.

Oak is a pretty modest guy. Any of you who have hunted with him know how enjoyable that is, and how knowledgeable he is. I was really glad to have him shoot his first whitetail on this hunt, and to get a great buck such as this one. He was absolutely ready when the moment of truth called. And, we have a great episode in the bag, regardless of whether or not I can get one.

Now, we just have to sort through all the mule deer bucks over the next three days and hope a decent whitetail makes the same mistake as this one. With a little luck, hopefully I will have a smile like the one Oak was sporting this morning.
Awesome buck Oak!! Sounds like you are having a good time. I can't wait till I get a chance at one of those whitetails.
Awesome buck Oak. Congrats! I am more impressed they got you to pass on the mulies though.
Looks like a Stud! The buck that is, you really have a nice one to put on the wall. No Trophy room is complete without a nice Whitetail Buck. Congrats Oak. John

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