Little SkyIII get's his first buck

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
Now this is what I'm talk'n bout. Here is son number 3 (Cayden) a.k.a Tater's with his first buck. He made a perfect shot at 200 yards. If you look closely you can see the perfectly placed shot on the deer's shoulder. The little 7mm08 has once again proven it's self.

We had watched this buck and 3 others together rutting with a group of does for over an hour and a half before Cayden finally had a good shot. He killed it with plenty of light for photos, but unfortunately I had left my camera and pack back at the pick up. By the time I hiked back to the truck and returned it was getting pretty dark as can be seen in the photo. Lesson learned...never ever leave the pick up without a camera and day pack. Actually I usually don't, but I guess I needed a reminder. All that aside I'm awful proud of Cayden-Tater's and the patients he showed, and the great shot he made. It was definitely good to be a "Dad" that day.
Little man has me beat on my largest (and only) muley. Great first deer. Pops must be proud.
WTG! My boy has the 7mm08 and I agree it is a great caliber....Heck, I think I'll get one! Congrats all around! Root Beer for everyone! John
I keep telling people the 7mm/08 is the bestest deer cartridge ever invented....but some PPL just don't listen !:confused:

Congrats to both of you. Great Job!
Great first deer! The truth is, that first one is great, no matter how big it is. Nothing better than helping your son with his!

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