Last hunt for 2009


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I had one remaining big-game tag for 2009, a type 6 cow permit, and a friend of mine had the same tag. So, we took off to try for a late cow north of town.

We left early Monday morning and it was a -17 when we left, and dropped to -21 when we got to our spot. We found several herds of elk, but they were on private land. Later in the day we were glassing some public when a landowner pulled up and asked if we were hunting coyotes or elk. We said elk, and the guy I was with knew the rancher. He asked if we wanted to go look around his place for an elk. We said sure, and followed him to his place.

Right away we found a herd, warming up in the sun. We decided to keep looking and after an hour or so of driving around we found a herd very near the road. My buddy and I each shot a cow from the herd. It was a 300 yard downhill pack to the truck, which was just enough to keep the chill off.

It was cold enough my camera quit working so the only picture I have is one I took with the cell phone.

My last big-game animal for the year:

Wow. How many big game animals have you taken this year?

Congrats on a long and successful season, and I hope Santa brought you your own walk-in freezer for Christmas.

Congratulations on a stellar year!

I am curious like Greenhorn, what was the final big game tally this year?

I hate to admit it, but that was lucky number 13 for the year. I've done a good job of sharing my success with family and a few friends.

Dinkshooter, the use or lose vacation runs out tomorrow...back to the salt mine on Jan. 4th. Thats unfortunate with all the cold weather the lakes are prime for ice fishing. Theres always weekends and federal holidays though.:)
......My buddy and I each shot a cow from the herd. It was a 300 yard downhill pack to the truck, which was just enough to keep the chill off.......

Sheesh, what am I doing wrong? Down hill, and within crawling distance to the rig. You need to write a book on that.

Congrats on a great season, Buzz.
When I retire, I think I’m going to move to Laramie and become an appliance salesman. Someone’s making a mint just selling freezers to Buzz.

Congratulations (again).
Heckuva year Buzz...kudos on sharing the game with friends and family & the pics w/ us.
Hats off to another great year and thanks for taking the time and sharing your success with us.
Awesome year Buzz.
You've killed one more animal this year than I have in my life...