Looks like any ad except instead ff using "brand s" they made up a name. If that gets you twisted up, you have clothing identity issues.
This seems like most truck ads to me. One side claims superiority over the other, back and forth. I don't have a problem with it and competition will either drive down price or improve quality. Or both.

Kind of funny to me, really. Japonski Island and Caleb's.:D
"FUZZY MATH"???? I may NOT be the sharpest stick in the wood-pile, however, if you make a jacket for $100.00 and have a 50% mark up that would be $150.00 NOT $200.00. This "mistake" is done over and over again in the add. Am I wrong??

good luck to all
the dog
"FUZZY MATH"???? I may NOT be the sharpest stick in the wood-pile, however, if you make a jacket for $100.00 and have a 50% mark up that would be $150.00 NOT $200.00. This "mistake" is done over and over again in the add. Am I wrong??

good luck to all
the dog

The term 'markup' got mixed around with 'margin'

They responded to a few questions just like yours in some comments on their social media. Lots of people like you picked up on it. Funny they didn't catch it before release.
"FUZZY MATH"???? I may NOT be the sharpest stick in the wood-pile, however, if you make a jacket for $100.00 and have a 50% mark up that would be $150.00 NOT $200.00. This "mistake" is done over and over again in the add. Am I wrong??

good luck to all
the dog

alternative facts, no one is wrong here.....
I see no problem with the ad, it's more civil than many threads on this forum get to be. There's nothing wrong with a little old-fashioned competition in the market and no rule that says Kuiu and Sitka have to be pals. They all say "I'm the best because ______"...and I own stuff from both of them
Kuiu as a company rubs me the wrong way, and not just this ad. I have a couple pieces of their gear that work, but if I have a choice I'm sending my business elsewhere, and have been actively trying to replace what I have.
Ever go to a wine tasting? People will test 10 wines then often disagree which is best. One person likes oak undertones while another likes blackberry dancing around their tongue.

If a brand of clothing is of poor quality then there are many. many ways to set up a test for durability, water resistance, zipper life, seam failure strength etc. Arguing price of materials is the silliest pissing contest. The more expensive sheets with high thread counts of, say, 800 are never as durable as the economy sheets at 200.

Maybe I like a snug fit while the next person likes slightly shorter arms. To be blunt, if saving $300 on a jacket is my goal for transforming hunting into a low-cost hobby then I am an idiot. I spend $thousands a year and cost per pound of what i harvest if include cost of applications, tags, wear and tear on gear, fuel, lodging, etc makes it cheaper to fly in live lobster for dinner rather than the moose steak from last fall. When I was a younger hunter, I could not afford any new jacket so $300 vs $600 might as well have been $1 million vs $2 million.

The ad does not change my opinion of KUIU or Sitka or any other high performance clothing I might buy and I have a few items of each but mostly for when will be in nasty weather or in the steep, nasty terrain. If early season, more likely I got my clothing from military surplus or on close out from Cabelas.
If you find that offensive you're wound way to tight.

I'm no to really offended by it I just partly feel it was a childish stab at a company KUIUs owner has a rocky relationship with. I have a few peaces of each but have loved the First Lite I've picked up lately and like all their gear. I have a few peaces from each and they're all great. If I'm supporting companies based on more than their gear though I feel Sitka and First Lite have went well beyond KUIU on a conservation front.
"FUZZY MATH"???? I may NOT be the sharpest stick in the wood-pile, however, if you make a jacket for $100.00 and have a 50% mark up that would be $150.00 NOT $200.00. This "mistake" is done over and over again in the add. Am I wrong??

good luck to all
the dog
Thought the same thing.....nice editing. Prob meant to say profit margin is 50%
This seems like most truck ads to me. One side claims superiority over the other, back and forth. I don't have a problem with it and competition will either drive down price or improve quality. Or both.

Kind of funny to me, really. Japonski Island and Caleb's.:D

"I am the eggman
They are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g' joob"

This should help clear up the meaning of this post.:rolleyes:

"I Am the Walrus" is a 1967 song by the Beatles, written by John Lennon and credited to Lennon–McCartney. The song was featured in the Beatles' 1967 television film, as a track on the associated double EP Magical Mystery Tour and its American counterpart LP, and was the b-side to the number 1 hit single "Hello, Goodbye." Since the single and the double EP held at one time in December 1967 the top two slots on the British singles chart, the song had the distinction of being at number 1 and number 2 simultaneously
I heard that Calebs was bought out by Basket Probe Schnopps. Where can I buy my Shitka or Koo Koo Yoo ?

Take a deep breath everyone. At least Hillary is not the President.
I don't have a horse in this race since I don't own either. It looks like cutthroat advertising to me.

Here's the alternative...http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/game-changers/ditch-camo-how-mix-match-and-bargain-hunt-best-mountain-hunting-clothes?src=SOC&dom=fb

From that article:

"you could probably get away with wearing neon as long as you hunt smart: staying off the skyline, using terrain features to break up your outline, and playing the wind".

If there existed a powerful lobbyist group called the National Camo Association, the author would end up sipping coffee every morning in a small cafe somewhere with Zumbo.......
Well I can't see the ad but its the same thing Pepsi and Coke go through. Both companies have their positives and negatives. The largest negative for sitka is the price. I love the gear but it is TOTALLY over priced. I find Kuius base layers and Sitkas outers.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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