Just Returned From Canada


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Went up to a lake north of Regina, SK. Did three days worth of snow goose hunting with an outfitter. I just about melted the barrel on my shotgun. Here are a few pics.

Monday morning started out like a Blue Bird day

but clouds and wind moved in and the birds worked the decoys.

BigFin you should know who this is.


We end up shooting 78 birds on the first day.

Next day, Tues the 21st, it is pouring rain. We get out to the field and start setting up the spread. 1,200 silosock snow geese!!! The spread is about 100 yards wide and 200 yards deep.

This is the view from my chair.


I am glad I took the packing list serious and brought rain gear. Who thinks it will rain in Sask. on the 22nd of October?

This is the mud pit I created and my once white camo.


The birds must like rainy days because they poured into the field. At one point I ask the outfitter how many birds were in the flock circling the decoys and he said about 50,000. They were loud. The outfitter told us to stop shooting because there were at least 110 birds on the ground. I couldn't figure it out because 120 was our limit. Well it was obvious he knew the deal because the dogs found 6 birds out in the decoys and while we picked up more birds wanted in the field and we ended up with our limit.

We shot a 6 man limit of 120 birds that day. Here is the hero pics


Wednesday it was now routine: up at 4:30 grab a cup of coffee and head out to the field, Set up a giant spread, make sure you have enough shotgun shells and wait for the birds.

It was a BRIGHT shiny morning and we were on a kind of time limit because the guy I was traveling with had to be on the road by 2 pm. There was very little wind and it didn't look too promising.


But we managed another 63 birds. Probably could have shot more if we didn't have to get on the road.


It was a fun trip with alot of really good guys.

OMG!!!! What a blast. I had 5 snow geese this morning come in with all the Canadas and I thought I was living life well just to SEE five snowgeese....

Great pictures. How long does it take to set out that many decoys??
OMG!!!! What a blast. I had 5 snow geese this morning come in with all the Canadas and I thought I was living life well just to SEE five snowgeese....

I cannot describe the spectacle of watching all those geese come off the water and flying around the skies for hours. It is really hard to believe there can be that many birds in one spot.

Great pictures. How long does it take to set out that many decoys??

It goes surprisingly quick with 6 guys. About an hour and 15 minutes maybe a little more. Picking them back up takes about 2 hours.

BigFin you should know who this is.

Great job NEmont.

I recognize a couple guys in those photos.

I offered to come along and clean birds, but seeing this carnage, I am glad they didn't take me up on that offer. I would be busy plucking until some time around Christmas.

Looks like great fun. I will call PH for the complete low down.

Congrats one a great hunt!

Absolutely awesome! That would be a blast to have three days of gunning like that. Thank you for sharing.
Nemont..... What does a hunt like that cost an Average Joe like me ? I could do somethnig like that !!!
WOWZER!! That's some geese shooting! I'd also be interested in what you can do with that many geese...
Nemont..... What does a hunt like that cost an Average Joe like me ? I could do somethnig like that !!!


The Outfitter was $1,400 for three full days. We arrived Sunday evening and should have left Thurs. Morning but ended up leaving Weds. afternoon. On top of the Outfitter there is a $25 charge to bring your gun across the border, Licenses were $150, I brought up 8 boxes of shotgun shells with me so didn't have to buy more. I figured all together it probably cost me about $1,900 total.

WOWZER!! That's some geese shooting! I'd also be interested in what you can do with that many geese...

One thing up there is that you don't have to take the thighs and just one wing needs to remain attached. I brought back 44 geese and they are all at the meat shop being made into sausage and pepperoni sticks. You can take them to the Regina food bank if you choose to but that kind seems pointless. With snows you can have 60 in possession in Sask.

Sausage and Pepperoni sticks huh....wow, learn something new everyday. I'm assuming they're pretty good huh? With all those birds seems like a good way to go. Could get spendy though I guess. Looks like a great time indeed.
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