Yeti GOBOX Collection

Is it winter?

HuntTalk Freak

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2018
Eighty degrees here the last few days in east TX. I fished for trout in shorts and T-shirt today, not a fish though they are there.

Haven’t put any meat in the freezer. Failed in CO and haven’t had much time here at home.

Wife had CT scan Monday and goes in for surgery tomorrow. Praying it all goes well and we can get back to normal.

Strange year.
Trout in East TX and not in the gulf. Who knew?!?
Parks and Wildlife grows and stocks them all around TX during the fall and winter. I live right down the road from the hatchery but this is the first time fishing for them here.
Oddly enough after talking to my cousin in Alaska they do the same thing there and he lives by a hatchery too.
It was in the 20’s at night last week and it’s been raining and 70 to 75 here in MS the last 4 days. Next week it’ll at least be in the 40’s at night. Definitely messing with the whitetail rut hunting!
I have a about a dozen mosquito bites just sitting here in the house. I’d like some cold weather to camp in, if even in the back yard.
8 in the morning 2 weeks ago and we had some snow. Then it was 44 for 2 days and it rained 2 inches instead of 2 feet of snow falling.
Now it is back in the 20's and the ground thaws into a mud bog during the day.
Fed ex called yesterday to say he tried to get to my road...but.
I'm driving into town for my meds on the freeze early this morning.
There are dozens of vehicles stuck in the mud in SW NM now after that rain last weekend. Some in standing water up on Eagle peak and some on Slaughter mesa to the axles.
I got new tires in time but still going to town & back, on the freeze this morning.
Don't know if Dinkshooter made it out yet...
Wife’s surgery went well and scan came back clear for cancer. Big relief!

We are spending the day together tomorrow and going fishing.

Still shorts and T-shirt weather here.
Good to hear about your wife. It's easy to get complacent in life a scare like that definitely will remind you what's truly important. It was 80 degrees in Austin today.

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