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Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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Not sure the judge had much of a choice.

I’m convinced that in 100yrs, historians will attribute the destruction of the republic we have today to The Federalist Society. Hopefully it happens after I’m dead.
If someone breaks into your house and steals your gun and then it's recovered in a different state there is pretty much zero chance the police can figure out it was yours and return it to you.
Believe it or not, my parents have gotten 2 phone calls about stolen guns from police. One was stolen in Washington state and found in New York after a crime. The cops sent a pic of the gun and it was totaled so we didn’t take it back.

The other was a similar situation but both times they traced it back to my grandparents and then to my parents as they were both dead. They got that info from somewhere (gun registration).
Believe it or not, my parents have gotten 2 phone calls about stolen guns from police. One was stolen in Washington state and found in New York after a crime. The cops sent a pic of the gun and it was totaled so we didn’t take it back.

The other was a similar situation but both times they traced it back to my grandparents and then to my parents as they were both dead. They got that info from somewhere (gun registration).
I assume the cops called for a trace and went through to the FFL dealer they purchased it from? How old were they?
I assume the cops called for a trace and went through to the FFL dealer they purchased it from? How old were they?
Yes they said all firearms get traced when used in crimes.

This happened 20ish years ago but doubt my grandparents went through an FFL (they may have, but they usually didn’t do things like that). They had the guns for about 20 years before that.

My grandparents were in their 70s and this happened shortly after they died and their house was vacant.
"The outcome was expected after the high court in a 4-3 decision said the ban on an extensive list of high-power semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines does not violate the state constitution’s equal protection clause."

.223 is "high-power"?? Gheesh. I get the ban includes AR-10 too but the majority of banned guns has to be the .223.
If a man were to permanently bolt a 10 round mag into his AR platform rifle, then by Ill standards it is no longer an assault rifle? Also, this is a good place to bring it up, how about a modern run on M1s? There are plenty of buyers in both ban states and unrestricted states who want an M1.
In the end, we will likely see the Illinois state gun restrictions resolved through the federal courts. There are relevant cases in the Federal courts already. Some are Illinois cases (several combined and before the Seventh Circuit currently). Others in the Fifth Circuit and the Ninth Circuit that I'm aware of, too.

Watch for Judge Roger Benítez, District Judge, San Diego to rule in the next few month in the Duncan, Miller and Rhode cases. They are all 'ripe' and likely to be appealed to the Ninth. They are expected to be well written, guided by Heller and Bruen standards, so supportive of our 2A rights.
I always get lost on this one... so do we support the police or hate the police? Thin blue line but then they are also red coats?

One of my shooting mentors was in the FBI and now is a cop, bad guy or good guy.

Thank you for your service, but also pretty sure your going to infringe on my rights at the drop of a hat.
Just like any other job, there are great cops and there are some that should never have passed the tests or been allowed to try.

Fully respect the profession, they don’t make the laws just responsible for enforcement! It comes back to the people we put in office
I always get lost on this one... so do we support the police or hate the police? Thin blue line but then they are also red coats?

One of my shooting mentors was in the FBI and now is a cop, bad guy or good guy.

Thank you for your service, but also pretty sure your going to infringe on my rights at the drop of a hat.
There are good bad and indifferent in people and all lines of work. Right now, the upper management in the FBI have some serious credibility issues. They will either get it fixed, or get worse, but right now I don't have much faith in them with the leadership they have at this time.
I always get lost on this one... so do we support the police or hate the police? Thin blue line but then they are also red coats?

One of my shooting mentors was in the FBI and now is a cop, bad guy or good guy.

Thank you for your service, but also pretty sure your going to infringe on my rights at the drop of a hat.
Wow, the fbi and an Leo.
Those are some pretty serious shoulders to ride around on.
Probably both, but I don’t think it’s “shooting sports” as in folks getting into 3 gun competitions, as much as 22 year olds who played too much call of duty buying an AR to shoot up appliances.
Women in general, and black women specifically, are the fastest growing group of gun owners in the US.
I never said shouldn’t be allowed, we have a second amendment it’s everyone’s right to own a gun, just like it’s a right to say things I don’t agree with or vote for people I don’t like.

But back to my shoot quietly point, I don’t think we should encourage everyone to own a gun. That’s a huge difference. No one should decide anyone can’t exercise a right.

That’s your prerogative, I’ve grown tired of responsible people turning a blind eye to things they know are wrong because of knee jerk politics.

Last ten or so years we had shit like Alex Jones saying people who had their kids murdered were paid actors and their kids didn’t exist.
Pendulum has swung too far, my opinion.

We have had a couple of threads where people strongly believe in person hunters safety should come back, yet those same folks take issue with the idea that first time firearm buyers should take a basic safety class?

That’s absurd. Period.

People get on the gun topic and their normal thoughtful common sense leaves the door.
Yet, we have certain politicians who want to take hunter safety out of schools. Yet those same politicians want everyone to take a firearms course. In addition to that we have certain leaders who preach about gun laws yet their own children break the gun laws and nothing happens.

Crazy world
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