Idaho Late Archery


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
The late hunt was a little tougher this year due to the snow coming early and then stopping. The deer seemed to be around but not in the numbers we usually see when the snow flies in November. I made a 1 day trip up with 2 other guys early on in the hunt. One guy Aaron had just started hunting with a bow and had never drawn down on anything. With a little bit of luck that day he was able to take his first deer with a bow. A very unique 3 point.



We made our yearly trip with a group of guys from work. There was 5 of us total for a 3 day hunt. This was the last weekend and as you can see we still had no snow.

My boss who has never killed a big game animal had made the decision to shoot the first thing he had a chance at. He made the shot count on a big doe to finally break his streak of bad luck.


The rest of the trip was good with a few nice bucks spotted. My string of bad luck continued as I watched my arrow sail over the back of a respectable 150 class buck. Then two days later I made the wrong move on a 170+ buck. I had the buck dead to rights but instead of coming over on top of a huge boulder I decided to go around it. I bumped an unseen 2 point and he busted down the mountain.
Late hunt continued......

I had no plans of returning to hunt, but when the snow finally came on Thursday I talked the boss into letting me go for one last time. I talked another co-worker who also has never killed anything with his bow into going. Right from the get go I could see it was going to be a good day. Tracks were every where on the roads and once it got light I could see numerous animals feeding at every spot we looked.

We weren't the only predators up on the mountain that day. We cut a huge lone wolf track on the top of the ridge and I'm sure if we were watching closer we probably would have seen him.

We saw numerous animals that day but nothing of any size. With 2 hours of light left we decided to work slowly back to thr truck. I spotted a small 3x4 buck and had my buddy make a stalk on him. It worked perfectly as he snuck to within 20 yards of the buck. Due to the brush no shot was available. 10 minutes went by and as it looked like he might get a shot the buck winded him and bolted. He went down the mountain and started up my side of the hill. I had already made the decision that if any buck gave me a shot with the few hours I had left in the season I would try to put some meat in the freezer. With luck on my side the buck stopped and bedded down 500 yards from where he was spooked. I looped around and snuck to within 89 yards of the bedded deer. I had my buddy start walking towards him and after he got within 125 yards the deer finally stood and walked towards me. At 69 yards the buck turned enough to expose his shoulder and I sent the 100 grain Magnus Buzzcut through his shoulder and out just behind the 5th rib. With about a 30 degree angle on the shot I aimed for 60 and 12 ringed him. He walked off slowly and bedded down not more then 10 yards from the initial hit. Minutes later he was sliding down the hill to his final resting spot.


Not the biggest buck on the mountain but with the way this year has gone for me I was glad to finally fill a tag in Idaho.

Entrance hole from the Buzzcut.

Amazingly the hunt wasn't over. As we walked down to my buck we spotted a doe bedded 75 yards away. My buddy and I snuck within 20 yards of the deer and he had his first deer with a bow.

This is why you shoot little bucks. It makes for packing them out a heck of a lot easier.

All in all it was a good trip for the new guys. 3 first time bow kills. I'm still in search of my personal goal and that is to harvest a pope and young buck with my bow. Next year is the year. I can just feel it........
Congrats on the last minute buck. If you're not busy next year, why don't you come down and pack my deer out for me. Heck, I'll even cut the feet off.
but what does the thumbs and little fingers sign mean?

Someone that is Smart enough to go look up someones Unit in Wyoming should figure out a HAnd Gesture ?!?!? Bryce has the SHOCKA in every picture. Go look at our Wyoming pics... Utah Pics, New Mexico Pics, Etc.

And no, It's not one in the pink, one in the stink, thats a different sign !!!

Dude... Kudos on that hunt. The first guy that killeed the doe loks a Little on the Homo Side ? I'm not sure I would hunt with him ?!?!?!? You say he's your Boss ? You should watch that guy..... (Jsut kidding Big D !!! Kudos on your first kill Brotha !!! )

You did well, don't downplay a great year, you had a first class hunting year !!
My theory, I.D. missed a workout at Golds Gym, so he just carried that deer around, Nice hunt and pics.
My theory is... He lifted the Deer for the Picture then Drug it out.... ;) Actually, It looks lighter then the pack he took out with my Utah Bull on it. I wouldn't question him packing that out 2 miles !!
Nice job. Great looking deer. I carried a whitetail buck like that once. Thought I was cool. Ruined my jacket and shirt. Took me a week to get all the blood off of me !!!!!!

No doubt ID could have carried him out. I think he stays in shape like that cuzz when Moosie finally blows a gasket from all those chocolate shakes he can pack him off the mountain with having to gut him first!!!!!!! J/k
My theory is... He lifted the Deer for the Picture then Drug it out.... ;)
Oscar knows me to well. I actually drug the deer for about 200 yards and decided that I was tired of lifting him up over logs the whole time. So I just threw him up on my back for about another 500 yards and decided it was time to bone him out. Three hours later and we were back at the truck. I could have saved about 30 minutes if I would have boned him out in the first place. |oo But I wouldn't have gotten the work out I did. :D
Nice buck IB. I'd be happy to find one like that in the next couple days.
congrats on a nice buck. you have had a very interesting season
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