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Hotel Rwanda

Hoser as a typicle racist, lives in the past. Look at the present and tell me what countries are starving and living in constant violence.
The "action" of millions was to be a victim and be killed in one of the worst genocides we have seen in the last 50 years. Or do you only judge the "actions" of the ones doing the killing?

Is the "R" word supposed to signify your trump card in any race/ethnic discussion? Does the 'action' of the extremist Hutu militia's ethnic cleansing (extermination) of an estimated million plus Tutsi & moderate Hutu NOT connote extreme ethnic predjudice?

Mr. Clinton called it the worst regret of his administration.
Is the "R" word supposed to signify your trump card in any race/ethnic discussion? Does the 'action' of the extremist Hutu militia's ethnic cleansing (extermination) of an estimated million plus Tutsi & moderate Hutu NOT connote extreme ethnic predjudice?

Mr. Clinton called it the worst regret of his administration.

NHY via Referee Stoppage...:D
Is the "R" word supposed to signify your trump card in any race/ethnic discussion? Does the 'action' of the extremist Hutu militia's ethnic cleansing (extermination) of an estimated million plus Tutsi & moderate Hutu NOT connote extreme ethnic predjudice?

Mr. Clinton called it the worst regret of his administration.

Do you understand the difference between "race" and "ethnic"?

Luckily, in this country, we allow the more educated to determine what is racist and what is not. Otherwise we would have the Klan deciding.
Like Schmalts, I believe our country should not be giving money to African countries, so that their populations can be artifically kept higher than they can support without outside help. It's just a never ending cycle. They need to be responsible for their own people. We cannot afford to feed and clothe the entire world. We have people in this country without homes, without clothes, without food, etc. Let's help our citizens, if we have to help anybody.
I agree that we should stop direct foreign aid to Africa but for a far different reason. Our handouts are not propping them up but rather keeping them down. Inevitably the money sent from Uncle Sam does not end up in the hands of the people, but rather in the hands of some Dictator or spent for big wigs that head up the NGO's (Non governmental organizations).

We can do things like Jose's friend has started or the Micro loan program.

The poor among us in the U.S. have a huge amount of resources available to them. The challenge is that many of the chronic poor, not the people that have had bad life circumstance, are not inclined to change their way of life.

I know this sounds hard hearted but the poor in this country have poor ways.

I do not believe that people in Africa are inherently lazy, dishonest or shifty. They are just people plain and simple. The character that Don Cheadle played, Paul Rusesabagina, was not only exceptionally bright but also extemely ethical and honest.

In addition much of the Hutu/Tutsi split was the result of European intervention and racism
As historian David Newbury notes, the term "Hutu" in precolonial times probably meant "those not previously under the effective rule of the court, and non-pastoralist (though many 'Hutu' in western Rwanda owned cattle, sometimes in important numbers)" (David Newbury, Kings and Clans. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991, 277). More generally, the Tutsi/Hutu distinction seems to have made sense in relation to the political hierarchy of a kingdom. It accordingly differed, and changed, in accord with the political fortunes of the different kingdoms and with the degree of integration of different regions into those kingdoms.

Under colonial rule, first by the Germans and then by the Belgians, this hierarchical division was racialized and made more rigid. Ethnic identity cards were required, and the state discriminated in favor of Tutsi, who were considered to be closer to whites in the racial hierarchy. This was reinforced by versions of history portraying the Tutsi as a separate "Hamitic" people migrating into the region from the north and conquering the Bantu- speaking Hutu. In fact, current historical evidence is insufficent to confirm to what extent the distinction arose by migration and conquest or simply by social differentiation in response to internal economic and political developments.

In the post-colonial period, for extremists on both sides, the divide has come to be perceived as a racial division. Political conflicts and inequalities in the colonial period built on and reinforced stereotypes and separation. Successive traumatic conflicts in both Burundi and Rwanda entrenched them even further. Despite the efforts of many moderates and the existence of many extended families crossing the Hutu/Tutsi divide, extremist ideologies and fears are deadly forces. Far from being the product of ancient and immutable "tribal" distinctions, however, they are based above all in political rivalries and experiences of current generations.
Do you understand the difference between "race" and "ethnic"?

Luckily, in this country, we allow the more educated to determine what is racist and what is not. Otherwise we would have the Klan deciding.

Do you understand the difference between your broad brush characterization & weak hypocritical equivocating bullshit? There's not any.

I enjoyed the movie also & agree with most of Nemont's remarks.
Hose, what did you do earlier in your life to have so much White Guilt??
every time someone calls a spare a spade you make a racist comment. Are you so ashamed to be a White American that you are the poster child of White Guilt? Your constant race card remarks are the biggest fuel to any racism fire, but you don't understand it. Racism is fueled by suppressing ones feelings, and inability to call a spade a spade. You want to see racism?? Fly out to Milwaukee, i will pick you up at the airport and i will drive you to the core, and sit outside of six Taverns and wait outside why you go in and buy a beer. One of two things will happen, you will meet the biggest racists you have ever met, or you will become what you call others, your idea of a racist.
You think we should keep sending aid to Africa to make them dependent on us? The Nazi Germans did some terrible things but you cannot compare them because of this: there are two things you need to do Joser, stop living in the past, Most all Nazi's are dead, and Germany never was dependent on anyone else. Africa still lives in the same turmoil as they have been for decades, and they look for handouts all the time instead of getting morals, ethics (not ETHNICS) whatever you wish to call it.
Hoser, be proud to be an American, and white. It's O.K., really it is O.K to be proud of who you are, where you live and your race, without being a racist

Ever hear the phrase, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it". I brought up the comparison to Nazi Germany.

You said

Was a somewhat decent movie but made me sick to see how they act like animals over there since this was a true story. It reminded me why i could care less for any charities that help the race that call themselves Africans. Any race that will "hack" a million humans to death is hopeless.

Can you tell who makes up the race calling themselves "Africans"?

Whether you are being racist or not doesn't really matter to me. What I don't understand is what you are trying to say. That blanket statement about "their" society is viewed inherently to be at best anti black and at worst racist. Maybe do a better job of explaining what you meant by saying "they" are a hopeless society.

Genocide took place in the former Yugoslav Republics and we sent troops and airplanes in to stop it. Those societies are dependent on the rest of the world for aid but are not considered hopeless. Nazi Germany was dependednt on imported slave labor from lands they had seized, it was dependent on the "neutral" Swiss to assit them and they depended upon other country's natural resources which they plundered.

The comparison to what took place in Rawanda vs. anywhere else that genocide took place is not only valid it is important to compare them.


Ever hear the phrase, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it". I brought up the comparison to Nazi Germany.

You said

Can you tell who makes up the race calling themselves "Africans"?

Whether you are being racist or not doesn't really matter to me. What I don't understand is what you are trying to say. That blanket statement about "their" society is viewed inherently to be at best anti black and at worst racist. Maybe do a better job of explaining what you meant by saying "they" are a hopeless society.

Genocide took place in the former Yugoslav Republics and we sent troops and airplanes in to stop it. Those societies are dependent on the rest of the world for aid but are not considered hopeless. Nazi Germany was dependednt on imported slave labor from lands they had seized, it was dependent on the "neutral" Swiss to assit them and they depended upon other country's natural resources which they plundered.

The comparison to what took place in Rawanda vs. anywhere else that genocide took place is not only valid it is important to compare them.


Nemont via Flying Arm Bar
Quote:Can you tell who makes up the race calling themselves "Africans"?
Nemont, you asked for more Clarification about whom i am addressing in Africa, but I am addressing Africans in general. If i broke it down further i would be called a racist so i guess it is funny that you would ask.
I guess i am not getting across. Lets just look at it in a different angle. Genocide or not, this will not be the first time, or the last time this kind of thing will or has happened in Africa. This will not be the first or last year Africans will starve from overpopulation, this will not be the first time Africans will die from aids. You can say what you want about Germany, Serbia, Yugo, whatever, but those places seem to learn, and learn by mistakes as not to happen again. Most places in Africa that are in a shambles right now, or have been in the last decade, will be that way for the next decade as well. It is hopeless. Whether you like Bill Oreilly or not, he summed it up to a bunch of Ivy collage liberals when he was asked what he thinks we should do about the Aids epidemic in Africa "nothing, what are we supposed to do, go over there and actually put the condom on the man?" What he said was exactly how i feel. If they do not want to take responsibility for their action let em all die. You cannot sit there and cry about the few good ones when there is too many rotten apples to save the whole bushel

Do you even read what I post?


I did and i just did again. I really do not know what you are digging for. Just be blunt about it, this is Hunt Talk for crying out loud so dont try to be so politically correct so i can understand what you really want.
Nemont, you asked for more Clarification about whom i am addressing in Africa, but I am addressing Africans in general. If i broke it down further i would be called a racist so i guess it is funny that you would ask.

Your generalizations are what make your statements sound racist. I think that's what Nemont was trying to tell you, and then you posted the reply above. That's probably what he's getting at.
I really could give a shit if anyone calls me a racist. At least i say what i think and dont hide behind Guilt of being white and American. Political correctness will be the downfall of race relations in many ways. When i feel someone needs to be criticized, i do it regardless of their Race, color, or creed.
Political correctness will be the downfall of race relations in many ways. When i feel someone needs to be criticized, i do it regardless of their Race, color, or creed.

You criticize people SOLELY because of their race. That is what makes you racist. Not sure when your next Klan meeting is, but hopefully your drycleaner gets your robe and hood back in time.