Caribou Gear

Hey Marv (Basketball)

At least my choice for champion is still in it. Might not have a good chance, but a chance!
To quote what someone once told me...

All I can say is "SCOREBOARD!"

1. MarvB1 MarvB 139
2. the winner IDHunt''em 119
3. Big Fin''s Big ... Big Fin MT 102
3. jabber jeff 102
5. Private Idaho Elkgunner 99
6. HuntTalk-csutto... csutton7 94
7. Smalls Stunners smalls 93
8. IdahoBugler Bryce DeForest 91
9. Spitz Hunttalk Spitz 87
9. Oak Terry Meyers 87
11. Guppie9 Kevin Galbreath 84
12. BlackTail Frank 79
13. BuckyBadger#1 BHR 75
14. Wise Wapiti wyomingtim 74

Been fun guys...there's always next year ;) Paul, you're gonna have to quit getting your picks from the Pet Psychic :D
Larry Craig's Private Idaho fell off like Hillary under sniper fire. WTG Marv, nice Geezer bookends on the scoreboard.

BTW Marv, I fired the Dog Whisperer for helping with my picks this year....wait till next year.
Damn, all I needed was one more free throw and it wouldn't have went to OT. Congrats Marv.
There were quite a few Memp. brain fades at the end....agreed on the need for the foul.
Still can't believe that the Jayhawks were down 9 with 2:15 left, you seldom see the foul/clock play work that well. Could really tell that Meph. was out of it mentally in OT knowing that they'd already peed in their Wheaties.

That 3 with 2 and chage left was quite the shot, I thought the point was gonna loose the fall as he was stumbling prior to the pass.