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Great news story

After having coached kids in hoops for 5 years, I can tell you how cool those rare moments are when it is not about the game, but about a kid making their first (and likely last) basket in the last game of the season. We hear all the bad stories about sports, but these stories keep all things in perspective.
Man, That is some good shit! The whole auditorium learned that just because one is different, they should'nt be judged "as different", like Jose! :D Thanks for the Link, John
Gotta agree with Gunner on this one....this is EXACTLY what can make sports special and, unfortunatley, what is lost upon us in today's win at all cost and what's in it for me society.

Though not handicapped like this young man, I'm carrying two girls ("managers") on my Jr. High softball team right now that (as 8th graders) don't have a prayer of playing future ball other than at a rec league level- that being said you can bet that I will find the right time and place to get them on the field before the season is over and their teammates will be extremely supportive of these two good kids hump

Great story miller, thanks for sharing! ...and hand me the Puffs!
Hold me.

BTW, it was nice meeting Mtmiller in person at the RC sports show. My wife thinks he's good lookin.

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