GPS Revisited for 2010


Dec 28, 2009
Prosper, TX
I am gathering gear for an Elk hunt this year and wanted any fresh ideas on a handheld mapping GPS unit. I know this topic has been covered but since we are talking about electronics (prices and technology changes almost daily) it seems ther might be a need for a fresh look.

I am new to their use but from what I can tell, having a color mapping GPS is really handy and not too hard on the pocketbook nowadays. Since this is my first back country hunt I have quite a long list of gear to acquire and looking to save money but not sacrifice quality when ever I can.

From the research I have gathered it seems like Garmin is the industry leader and has good quality products.

Here are my current list of choices in order:
1. Garmin Vista HCx...can be had on ebay for $170
2. Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx...around $300
3. Garmin Rino 530 HCx...around $400 (has 2 way radio and NOAA don't know if it's worth it to pay the extra to have them in 1 unit)

Thoughts or any other models that would fit my needs and budget

Bought the Garmin 530hcx this year, and to be honest, really didn't think I would use it as much as I do. One of the greatest features is being able to see where your buddy is on the map. He shoots something and radio's you that he could use a hand, you can head straight to him, also will track your buddy as well. One thing I would definitely recommend for them is the 1:24K topo maps that Garmin sells, excellent detail and will show you things you didn't know were there, old roads and trails and such. Having the radio GPS combo makes it very nice and handy.
Might want to hold out for the DeLorme PN-60. Hope to have one in my hand to experiment with very soon and do some test driving.

All reports are it is very good, whether you get it with, or without the SPOT system. The price is great, and the map feature is a "can't live without item." I think Garmin will have to pay attention to this one.

Here is a link:

When I have it, I will give you my thoughts.
Very interesting info in the DeLorme. Looks like it has some really cool features. Since I am not entrenched in a brand I wonder if my perspective may be more objective?

Anyway I started trying to find more info on this and other DeLorme units. I never really heard of DeLorme, and after a little research it seems that they may have been more focused on the professional market rather than the consumer market(which us hunters are in).

Reviews I read were pretty good and most of the dings went something like this, "The DeLorme was good but unlike my Garmin....". My first thoughts when I heard this went to "XP vs Vista" or even "Apple Vs Windows" type battles. Are advances or changes in technology really bad or, "Just not what we are used to".

One quote from a review of the PN-40 stuck with me.
"DeLorme’s roots are as a mapping company, and it really shows with the PN-40"

So bells and whistles aside it's all about the maps.
So does Garmin run the consumer industry with their Mapsource software or is the .gpx a standard which everyone can utilize. The DeLorme website does say it supports GPX files.

Once you buy a unit are you tied to that company's software? I ask because I have read that the base maps on the Garmin stink and in order to get useful topo's, BLM etc... you need to download extra maps. I have also found a website that sells "Garmin only" overlays for Public/Private land. I don't know if this is worth the price in the field but I have been really focusing on Elk units in South/Central Wyoming where Private land can be a really big problem. Seems to me that a handheld device that tells you that kind of info would be really useful especially in a state like Wyoming. So are the these type of maps supported by the DeLorme?

I am an GPS idiot so fell free to set me straight here.

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drthornton, it is obvious that you have been doing your homework. Garmin has lead the GPS industry for a long time. It would be nice if another company would step in and start producing a product that can compete with them, especially in the mapping department (DeLorme?).

There is mapping software available for Garmins on the internet for free that far exceeds the stuff that Garmin produces.

The new DeLorme units sound intriguing, but I will reserve judgement until they have been in the hands of people who know what they are doing for at least a year. You can learn a lot by reading reviews on the web.
Did some research on "SPOT". I did my looking on "backpacker" forums as gear like this is talked about and reviewed quite a bit. If you have not thought about it, check out backpacker forums on things common to "hunters". Stuff like tents, sleeping bags, stoves, boots, socks etc... oh yeah and food which was what I focused on today at work(when I should have been working)! I found some really great tips!

Back to the SPOT
I did not find much positive info on the SPOT. Most posts and reviews talked about the "Great Concept" but the lack of production. Most said that the satellite coverage was spotty and the fact that you can't tell if you have acquired satellites was a real problem. I thought this would be a very neat device to have to let my wife and kids know I was good(they could even track me) but I am not sure this is a reliable feature.

On the same "backpaking forums" I did find some reviews of the DeLorme PN-40 which were mostly very good! Did get the same "Apple to Windows" type Feel from the bad reviews.

I don' know the details but I also found there is a difference in software (DeLorme/Garmin) so tread lightly if you are "Garmin Guy" wanting to switch but here is a lot of really good maps out there for DeLorme (some say are way better than the Garmin).
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The one thing that has me leaning strongly towards a Delorme is that for $100 bucks they have a program that allows the use/display of shapefiles on the unit. That and a few requests to government agencies could get one about all the information they'd ever need for hunting...

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