
FT. Peck Therapy


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Getting on with feeling better after our dog was put down I had a buddy from Bozeman come and spend three days fishing on Fort Peck. We never really nailed down the walleyes but scratched out limits of eaters two of the three days. It was HOT as hell on Saturday and apparently people from Bozeman don't require shade but us Glaswegions do. I about had heat stroke.

This is how the lake looked every day but Sunday Morning

Did a little running and gunning to try and find fish.


The boat driver


Again just dead calm


I caught a smallie that wanted a picture before going back in the water.
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Some eaters


Thanks Walleyes Unlimited for the new fish cleaning station


Sunset after a weekend of water, sun, fish and a friend.


Not very often you see the big lake that calm. Nice photos, looks like a great day with a friend!
Not very often you see the big lake that calm. Nice photos, looks like a great day with a friend!

It was like that all weekend, Sunday morning we had 10 to 15 MPH winds and chop but it died down by 10 am.

It was nice to be out there. We caught a little of everything except lake trout and salmon. Small mouth, drum, walleyes, northerns and perch. Kept a couple of northerns and eaters size walleyes and everything else went back into the water.

It was calm for the most part all day on Yellowstone Lake too. Very unusual. Looks like a good time was had by all. Sorry to hear about your dog. They never live long enough.
Nice Work Nemont. We were on Peck at Rock Creek All weekend. And the fishing down there was really bad. We went for hours without a bite. Glad someone had a little luck. It was pretty neat seeing the lake so calm that many days in a row.
I had about the same view this weekend a few 100 miles down stream on Oahe. You don't get many weekends that calm on the river.
That's awesome. I'm dying to go fishing on Sakakawea. Will be headed there in about 3 weeks.
Piggybacking on Nemonts thread.

My Great Uncle and I were able to catch a couple Salmon yesterday. Love having this kind of fishing out the back door.

Nice fish, I've been wanting to get up and do some salmon fishing but saving the money for elk hunting. How deep are they now?
Seemed to be at about 75-80 feet in anywhere from 85-100 feet of water. Last week people were catching quite a few more fish but we still did alright and watched quite a few brought in. The biggest we were able to watch was a 24#
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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