FRIDAY MUZAK (because its Fridat somwhere) - THE BEST SONG YOU EVER HEARD

Best song ever? That's tough. Depends on mood, blood alcohol level, and countless other factors. Some have been posted already, not gonna double tap.

Even if he had not passed this week, this would be on my list.

Get this in my head when I think of all the ex girlfriends.

Always on my top 5
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Best song is a tall order indeed!

When I was younger, trite as it is, Beethoven's 9th Symphony, 4th Movement (the "Ode to Joy") was the first piece of music that showed me what kind of emotional response music was capable of producing.

Then the teen years. Punk rock really captured the angst of that age. My tastes in the punk stuff got a bit more sophisticated later, but the first time I heard the Sex Pistols was a real "holy shit!" moment. The ethos behind that music was really quite formative.

Dylan was pretty instrumental a little later. I couldn't begin to decipher the enigma of his lyrics at the time, but knew I needed to try and follow his footsteps from the Midwest to Manhattan and got to experience the city in its gritty former glory before the shiny corporate homogeneity that came with 12 years of Bloomburg as mayor. Was bit more rock and roll than folk by the time I arrived though, and I adapted accordingly.

Started traveling a bit more and hanging out in jazz joints that tried to approximate the atmosphere of a certain bygone era. Minor Swing is one of the finest Django jams, in my opinion.

I've always like Patsy Cline, but for the past few years this cover of San Antonio Rose has been one of my most favoritest tunes ever. I can listen to it on repeat for quite a while and it still pleases me greatly.
