Yeti GOBOX Collection

Food plots worth it or not?


New member
Mar 18, 2003
Panama City, Fl
Been considering putting a food plot in a the woods i hunt. the woods are on the edge of a corn field. but usally by november hunting season the corn is gone. so i was considering opening up a spot in the woods to create a food plot about 20 yards X 20 yards square. i want to create kind of a holding area for deer rather then them making a run acrossthe street and getting shot at by the idiot across the street. realize i said the get shot at not hit! :rolleyes: well let me know your suggestions even what do you think is a good product if any.
Nightwolf, if you get adequate moisture it's probably worth your effort, especially if you are dealing with small parcels (less than a section). There are numerous products out there to pick from. You could also consult with the state ag extension office for advice.
Nightwolf, Instead of making your food plot like a small pasture, make it long. That way the deer will feel more comfortable as they will still be close to cover, as they feed along you will also have more opportunities for shot placement. John
I second what Draftstud says, but add to it that you should make the "long" part in the direction where it will get the most sun throughout the day during the growing season you're targeting. People use logging roads like that with good results. Some day I hope to accomplish something like that. :)