Yeti GOBOX Collection

Flipson a tramp...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
'poline that is... :)

How many here can do one ?

My boyz can do a front flip. I decided yesterday that by this Summer I'm gonig to get enough courage to do at least a front flip.
thanks Oak. could have done without #'s 1 - 2. joe theisman and a new pre- op sex change candidate.:eek:
Got my son a trampoline about 8-10 years ago. I was messing around on it doing front flips and then on the last one I did (ever) I did a half flip and landed on my head, thought for a while I had broke my neck. Was a scary 5 - 10 minutes until my neck wasn't hurting so bad and I decided it was just a case of stupidity.|oo
I ustacould do both front and back flips as a kid. Don't have a tramp now. I still do fronts at the pool with the kids:) I hate growing up and getting older.
Dude! Stay off the tramp! You know the feeling of joy and all of a sudden you realize you are not centered on that sucker anymore................John
MOOSIE! MOOSIE! MOOSIE! Dude, I've seen you run 35mph with a scope, tripod and rifle in your hands, use your crotch as a tool on various occasions, and eat an Oryx turd cookie. If any middle aged athlete can do it, you can. :D

Helpful hunt: Bounce on your knees and get the rotation down to landing on your back, then get to your feet and rotate enough to land on your back, then you'll be ready for the full flip. (Baby Steps ;))
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