Caribou Gear Tarp



Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
I'm out of the flashlight loop. My Maglight that I have had for 30 years gave it up. I want a small light similar in size to the mini-mag. Easy to find batteries a plus. Waterproof of course, and controls that will operate with gloves on. What do you guys use? Thanks, mtmuley
I still use my minimag or my dive light equivalent
I here that they have a replacement led bulb for the mini mag but the batteries in mine still work after the last few years with the incandescent bulb :)
I have completely switched to headlamps .. you can pick them up anywhere and even the cheap ones are brighter than any maglite I ever had. Plus your hands free!
I liked my headlamp until it died while I was breaking down an elk and I didnt have any extra batteries left. Things got interesting at that point.

Anyway I'm not much of a flashlight guy. I've got a mag lite that doubles as a weapon, some cheap-o LED lights from Lowes and a headlamp. Can't say I use any of them much as i like walking in the dark unless it's just completely pitch black and really dangerous terrain.

The more I spend on a flashlight the faster I lose it.
I keep a headlamp and a mini-mag lite in the truck for repairs and other things that might need to be done in the dark. I also keep one of each in my hunting pack. I really like the headlamps for hands free use. Worth their weight in gold.
We've also mostly switched to headlamp. I keep one in my glove box, and one in my backpack. The LED versions last a long time and don't use much battery power. Hunting Husband also has one of those small SureFire flashlights his dad gave him. That thing is super bright, in a smaller package than the Mag Light and he has used the clip to attach it to his hat bill in a pinch, but it does tend to chew through batteries faster than a regular old Mag Light or something with LEDs.
I use a Maglite,Mini-Mag and now a small bright Shadowhawk flashlight .But mostly use a Headlamp now.
I have a headlamp. I use it alot but I also like to have the flashlight as a backup. The minimal is great, so I will probably get another. mtmuley
I use a 3 led head lamp usually. I also have a 3 D cell mag light with led in the pickup. I usually have my sure fire in my pack, 2 years old and same original batteries, still going strong. But then again I don't use them as much as most.
I use these for flashlights. A Cree knockoff that has lasted over 2 years of hard use. Super bright. they run off of a single AA battery. I also like the handy clip on the outside. I clip one to the from pocket of my shirt or to the front shoulder strap on my pack. Out of the way but always handy. Haven't lost one yet.|cid:

And you can't beat the price. I pick up 2 or 3 and have them handy in different places.
3+ bulb LED headlamps are so cheap now (under $10 at Walmart) that have many of them stashed in various places. Most all run on AA or AAA and last a long time on a set of batteries. Great for kids entertainment.
I use nothing but headlamps for hunting. Any is fine and Walmart and other stores have gobs. You don't need anything special, just make sure it is LED. Batteries last forever in the LED lights. I got two real great headlamps off Camofire a while back.

Same with flashlights. There are so many good inexpensive ones that will do the job just fine, that I don't even look at the expensive stuff.
Costco has some great flashlights that are 350 lumens and run for a long time on AAA batteries. Lumens are the measure of brightness. I think 100 lumens is the minimum for a headlight and probably 200 for a flashlight. Be careful as some of the LEDs have such low lumen rating as to be barely better than a match.

If batteries are in issue, go to lithium batteries. They cost more, but will last 3X as long. On a hunt, it is well worth it. For day to day use, probably not.
I picked up a Streamlight Protac 2AA a couple years ago. I really like it
I've had good success with Streamlight. My work bought me a mini one that is supposed to be waterproof. It came with an extra rubber button in case the first one wore out.
One year I found out the hard way to make sure you have a flashlight with a reccessed on/off button or switch that can't accidently turn on in your pack.