Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

First hand Covid symptoms

I typing this from the emergency room.

Tuesday night Wednesday morning started with the following symptoms.

Muscle aches
Upset stomach
Fever up to 102.5 sustained which I could regulate with Tylenol.
Today I spiked to 103.5.

I am a kidney transplant recipient, so I consulted with my team and they had me go to the er.

Wednesday I had the rapid test which was negative. The pcr results still had not returned.

The hospital here did a test this afternoon and it came back positive.

Waiting now for a bed in Salt Lake City.

Doing much better that we got an iv and I have been able to get hydrated. Also we have been able to manage my fever quite well.
I typing this from the emergency room.

Tuesday night Wednesday morning started with the following symptoms.

Muscle aches
Upset stomach
Fever up to 102.5 sustained which I could regulate with Tylenol.
Today I spiked to 103.5.

I am a kidney transplant recipient, so I consulted with my team and they had me go to the er.

Wednesday I had the rapid test which was negative. The pcr results still had not returned.

The hospital here did a test this afternoon and it came back positive.

Waiting now for a bed in Salt Lake City.

Doing much better that we got an iv and I have been able to get hydrated. Also we have been able to manage my fever quite well.
I’d been planning on asking you how your archery season had been going so far. Guess I know now. So sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope you have quick recovery so you can hunt with your daughter and kill a ram this fall!
I’d been planning on asking you how your archery season had been going so far. Guess I know now. So sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope you have quick recovery so you can hunt with your daughter and kill a ram this fall!
Landed safely in salt lake. Got some good meds in elko,which helped a lot. Feeling a bit better.

I did hunt opening day and that was it.

I just had a basic panel drawn...

The 2.5 days of dehydration took its toll on my kidney, electrolytes, blood work is all over the map. Calcium was low, and potassium was hig, acids were all over. Creatine was high, but improved quite a bit in a short amount of time. They gave me a calcium bag yesterday which balanced most of that out and got my potassium to reasonable range. Waiting on the draw from a few minutes ago to see where all three of them are at.

If improving, I get to go home today. Minimum breathing difficulties, no 02, 02 levels maintained at 92 to 96 room air. Fever is staying under 100.

My wife, 16 and 6 year got tested yesterday. Wife is POS kids are negative. Not sure exactly how we're going make it work to pick me up.


UofU on visitation lockdown for covid. Fully vaccination greater than 14 days or positive 14 to 90 days.

Elko hospital is code yellow lockdown. Effectively no visitors.

Also I am one of those patients ...

Am I in the hospital because of covid, with covid, or a result of covid?

The doctor said I am here because of my kidney function, which was brought on in less than three days of significant covid symptoms.

Good luck all. Stay safe.


My wife has had a rough cough for two weeks. We took her to clinic last Sunday. They did not test, but chalked it up to severe allergies from the constant smoke. Breathing treatments and a couple meds and sent here home. No way to tell now if she had it then or if I got it from another contact.
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this is death rate, which is obviously beyond a bad side effect.

There have been 36,556,516 Covid cases in the U.S., 618,589 of those people died.

There have been 356 million doses of vaccine given in the U.S., less than 6,600 of those have died.

Covid death rate : One in 60
Vaccine death rate : One in 54 thousand

The data says vaccines are 1000 times safer.

The hard part about those data is that there has never been a vaccine that killed as many in the US as 6000, particularly if you consider the historical undercounting of adverse reactions (not only for the Covid vaxx, but for others, too). A handful of severe reactions is enough to stop a vaccine, at least in the past.

Consider that there have been about 10% of the entire population that have tested positive for Covid. Or, considering the entire population, your odds of getting Covid and dying from it, regardless of demographic, are about 0.18%, or 99.82% that you won't. If you aren't fat, old, a smoker, diabetic, immunosuppressed, the numbers go way down from that.

The supposedly rare breakthrough infections are becoming common, not because of Delta but because of the failure of the vaccines to do the job. We test non-vaxxed people using a test that is confirmed to have a high false positive rate, and then evaluate vaxxed folks using a PCR threshold far lower (and more realistic).

It is exceedingly difficult so suss out what is true in this mess, but this vaccine is far more deadly than any other ever used with approval in this country.
My wife is sick right now. In the last couple days she has delivered a baby from a Covid positive mom as well as taking care of a baby that has RSV. The two viruses share a lot of common symptoms, and she has taken multiple Covid test and they are all negative, so I think she has RSV. Going to take another test tomorrow.
I'm nervous this thread is creeping off the rails again.

The 6,000~ deaths reported in vaxxed people are not confirmed as deaths *from* the vaccine. They are deaths *after* the vaccine and have to be treated as such.

Also, to those concerned about breakthrough cases in places like Israel, where % vaxxed is high, you have to remember that the closer a population gets to 100% vaxxed, the likelihood of a case being a breakthrough case goes up in turn. It's just a population dynamics thing and shows why case severity is such an important factor in assesing vaccine efficacy.

Also yo @mevertsen glad you're doing better man! You've got a ram to kill!
The only treatment I received is IV fluids to stabilize my body, electrolytes through IV. And dextramethazone to open my airways up some. Not sure if I am going home on my regular prednisone treatment or the one I just mentioned.
0=number of fully vaccinated people who have come through my hospital and died in the last 8 months
1=total number of fully vaccinated people who I have admitted to my hospital in the last 8 months
0=number of fully vaccinated people who ever touched a ventilator at my hospital.

100 beds, 20 bed ICU, major metro area.

7=current number of unvaccinated people currently looking down the barrel, on their stomach, on high vent settings, with months to years of recovery if they make it at all.

Truth is my only dog in the fight. Get vaccinated.
Follow up to my buddy who got it on our AK fishing trip.

He did well for the first 4 days of symptoms then went down hill pretty hard with fevers up to 103.5, more coughing, night sweats, and feeling like total crap.

His doctor figures what happened is the vaccine he took didn't "take" as his first dose was before he was done with radiation for prostate cancer. That's the theory, that he only actually received one viable dose, his second...plus he got the vaccine in late January/early February so possibly a breakthrough infection as well as the best available science says 8-9 months before the vaccine becomes less viable.

Either way, he didn't need to be hospitalized at all and is now feeling much better.

The only thing I know is that 5/6 of us with the vaccine didn't have any issues even after being exposed for at least 3 days.

I feel absolutely no sympathy for anyone that gets covid that doesn't have the vaccine (unless a viable medical reason), live, die, suffer with it, whatever...don't care.

Those that get the vaccine and still get it, they have my sympathy and hope for a speedy recovery.
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Wow. That’s my reaction to the above post. Not Wow I can’t believe that. Wow I can’t believe someone would post something so stupid. I started this thread 11 months ago and me and a lot of others have tried to keep it open but at this point I’m over it. It’s been a tough year and a half and all of you have my prayers. Yep I had COVID and chose to get the vaccine but if you or your loved ones didn’t then your still in my thoughts and prayers. Love you all.
Wow. That’s my reaction to the above post. Not Wow I can’t believe that. Wow I can’t believe someone would post something so stupid. I started this thread 11 months ago and me and a lot of others have tried to keep it open but at this point I’m over it. It’s been a tough year and a half and all of you have my prayers. Yep I had COVID and chose to get the vaccine but if you or your loved ones didn’t then your still in my thoughts and prayers. Love you all.
Sorry to offend, not my intent. I feel the exact same way about people that don't wear seat belts and get thrown from a vehicle and killed, maimed, paralyzed, whatever. Sucks, but there's an easy way to prevent it and if you don't take the basic precautions, well, that's on you. Stupid is not wearing a seat belt and looking for sympathy when you get ejected.
My wife is sick right now. In the last couple days she has delivered a baby from a Covid positive mom as well as taking care of a baby that has RSV. The two viruses share a lot of common symptoms, and she has taken multiple Covid test and they are all negative, so I think she has RSV. Going to take another test tomorrow.
Whether it’s covid or RSV or something else, I have found a symptom that is a positive.
Before this, on nights I’d make dinner I’d ask what she wanted and I’d get a vague answer or “I don’t know, there’s plenty of food in the house”. Now the requests are specific right down to the amount of honey to drizzle on the toast.
Whether it’s covid or RSV or something else, I have found a symptom that is a positive.
Before this, on nights I’d make dinner I’d ask what she wanted and I’d get a vague answer or “I don’t know, there’s plenty of food in the house”. Now the requests are specific right down to the amount of honey to drizzle on the toast.
Next thing you know she will know which restaurant she wants to go to when you eat out.

Hope she gets better. It takes a special person to put themselves in harms way like that.