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Ever had pneumonia?

Thanks. I read the recent posts on the football thread 5 TD night from Prescott, but Brady lost that game. Yeah right. mtmuley
Best I have seen Dak play. He is no Kirk Cousins!
Hang in there mt. Hope you kick this thing soon.
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Brady put quite a few balls in the turf, some by design, others under duress. He looked discombobulated all night. Credit to the boyz horse platooning, Quinn's scheme, and Parson's motor. Don't think I've seen better tackling in space by Dallas.
I've seen it take some tuff people down. Glad you realized the situation and acted accordingly. Even surviving you can do real lung damage by ignoring it.
I hope you feel able to cheer and shout by Sunday!
Hang in there hopefully you'll be well soon. Always good for a Cowboys win to help the healing. Brady looked 45 years old last night, and looked like he tried to slide and trip a player. Not a good thing.
Questionable though Coach says Muley will be ready come Sunday.

To a speedy recovery. Watch out for Bosa next time!
I had it bad in college, was running a 103 temp lost 15lbs in a week. First time i went to the Dr she said it was a viral infection sent me home with cough syrup. It got way worse, couldnt walk up the one flight of stairs to my apartment without stopping to catch my breath. I could only lay in one position in bed otherwise i couldnt breath at all. Drove myself back to the Dr a week later. The new DR walked in and instantly said i had pneumonia she could just hear it in my breathing. Took chest xrays one lung was completely full the other almost full. She did not know how i drove myself there with the lack of oxygen i had based on my levels. She wouldnt let me drive home. Took antibiotics and was feeling better in a week or so.

It felt like death though. i remember the day on how i got it. I had to load 178, 16-gallon kegs of Coors light on to pallets in a 34-degree cooler. Had a prick of an econ professor in college too. I had an excused absence from the DR. We had a test i asked to take at a later date. He said he drops the lowest test so if i miss it that will be my lowest. I had a friend help me get to class and i filled in C for every answer i got a 22% but was better than accepting the 0.

I hope for a speedy recovery!
Thought I could power through. It's no joke for sure. mtmuley
Very sorry to hear and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
I had it almost 20 years ago when I was 30. We had just placed our first son in daycare and of course he was catching all kinds of bugs there. Low and behold, I got sick too and somehow it progressed to pneumonia for me.
Initially I didn’t even know I had it, but when the 102 fever did not let up for 4 days straight, I went to the doctor where he took an X-ray and confirmed severe pneumonia.
He debated whether or not to have me admitted to the hospital, but given my young age at the time, he started with the antibiotics first. They worked and I felt better within a week or so, but the productive cough took much longer to resolve. In fact, I kept getting sick easily after having pneumonia and I had multiple bouts of bronchitis for months following. It took a full 6 months for me to feel back to 100%.
It absolutely sucked and it was the worst I ever felt. Not wanting to experience that nightmare again, I did get the pneumococcal vaccine after that bout of misery. Fortunately, I haven’t had anything like that since, other than a bout of Covid last summer, but that was a walk in the park comparatively.
Hope you get better soon!
Hope you make a quick recovery, just don’t push yourself when you go back to work. It will take a while to rebuild strength
If you can cover your mouth and nose with something to warm the air into your lungs, breathing won't be as painful. It helps me.

Get better soon.
Listen to the doctors. And, do the lung exercise where you blow trying to make the little plastic balls rise up in the column. That exercise helps the sacs in your lungs re-open.

I had pneumonia in both lungs for most of July 2004. Lost 27 pounds in 3 weeks of ICU. What was the spark that lit the fire? A surgery to remove an appendix which split 5 days before surgery which yielded a less than optimal outcome as soon my sigmoid colon began to develop gangrene, my lungs each got pneumonia and I got a large abscess internally where the appendix was cut away that earned me a drain bag to go with the catheter bag next to the IV bag for my meals and meds. Docs told my wife they could either fight the pneumonia or the gangrene, her choice and either option could kill me the next few days.

Fever above 105F for several days. Body went into sepsis after a few days.

Got Last Rites. I guess no one wanted me around in the afterlife so never actually gave up the ghost. Lost the weight so fast that my gall bladder soon got angry not long after my sigmoid colon was cut away. I recall the day I was served clear broth to savor which was amazing after IV meals.

My wife cautioned me I was running out of non-essential items to have yanked out of my body. I said hold my beer and got a sliver of my shoulder bone cut away then most of the marrow died in my right femur so amputation was on the table then the marrow regenerated but so far no idea why the issue arose. But, hey, I was bullet-proof prior to my early 40s.
Get well mtmuley, my thoughts are with you!
My buddy had it bad several years ago. Convinced me to get the vaccine 3 years ago, so far so good.
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