Caribou Gear Tarp

Ever been followed?


New member
Aug 28, 2009
This morning I was out trying to fill my archery mule deer tag. After letting a 2pt and a spike walk at 50 yards, I finally located a decent 4pt. He was with three other bucks, probably 800 yards away. I began a stalk. En route to the bucks, approx. 300 yards from where they were feeding, I jumped a doe out of her bed. Unfortunately, I was so focused on the bucks I failed to see her burrowed under some sage. She stomped and blew at me before bouncing off. Thinking she was gone, I proceeded towards the bucks. Suddenly, there was more stomping and blowing off to my right. She was back. I tried to go straight at her to spook her off, but she just made more noise. By this time I caught a glimpse of the bucks exiting stage left. In frustration, I turned and left the draw to continue up the valley. This damn doe followed me for 3/4 - 1 mile, stomping and snorting the whole way.

Has anyone else ever experienced this before? Is it because she never could figure out what I was?

Needless to say, the rest of the morning was uneventful...
I've never had one follow me that far, but I've had them attempt to get me to change my path of direction. Generally they have a fawn(s) bedded in the area.
Was followed by a grizz last season for about 3/4 of a mile. Didn't know he was there until my partners showed up a little white in the face. Grizz stayed about 400-500 yards back, just out of sight.
Back in 2002 I was on an elk hunt in CO. I had called a bull that I would have been happy to arrow to within 50 yards but not shot opportunity. The bull went back into the cows in a stand of aspen. I went in to follow only to get busted by a cow. She took off toward the bull. I waited a few minutes and he started bugling again. I then started to come in from a different angle. The aspens where very noisy so I decided to do some soft cow calls as I moved along. As I moved around to get into position I heard noise right behind my following me. Here there was a cow elk following me up the trail. I stopped and hid behind a rare spruce tree. She kept her pace and when she rounded the spruce I slid and arrow into her. Heck only 1 day left of the hunt, self guided on public, yeah, I am not passing that up! Watched her drop within 25 yards of where she was shot. It took all of about 3 seconds and she dropped. 800 feet from camp, 200 feet of a main road. Everyone else went in 1-2 miles from camp. I was going to as well but they are where they are!
I would ace her also. Can't beat a freezer full of fresh elk meat!
Once while coonhunting at home in WV with my dad . We were walking around this old strip mine from back in the fiftys . It was one of those dry October nights with the stars and moon shinning bright. We had killed our limit and were on the way back to the truck, maybe a mile to a mile and a half. Instead of leading the dogs we decided to let them hunt some more on the way out, after a brief little walk off the hillside and onto this strip bench we came. Around it we were walking and just taking our time and talking of the night and how well the dogs had worked three different tracks and produced out two raccoon for the night.
After a little bit both dogs came in with their hair bristled up and wouldn't get out from under our feet. Never had this problem before. Even one of the dogs was used on bear. So we continue walking then behind us we heard a noise in the dry leaves above us we could hear something walking We turned our lights to see. Nothing. Dogs still very nervous. Walked a few more steps and heard it again. Lights on where the noise was still nothing. This time dad has me walk backwards behind him. Hes holding me to keep me from falling and we begin walking. After fitty yard or so we hear the noise. We have this planned also. Keep walking and not stop and at the same time I put my spot light off if my waist onto the are that we hear it. Guess what? Still nothing. We did this for three more times, and everytime th light came in it stopped. Never saw it. So with about 3/4 to go dad says keep walking same way and turning your. Light in that direction get to the truck dogs get in happily we get in happily.
This was in probably 1985 if I recall. I've hunted the area a lot at night since and never had that problem again. To this day we never saw eyes or a body. Were thinking bobcat but not sure. Probably my memorable hunt ever.
I have had a mountain lion stalk me while I was stalking elk. Lead cow stopped and stomped her hooves in the ground and the lion was within 30 yards of me. Either he wanted some elk meat or a little hunter for a snack.
Check Ovis's thread, I think he is experiencing the same thing.
Two years ago we were packing out my friend's daughter's buffalo off Mt. Pennell in the Henry Mtns. After taking care of the quarters and cape we finally started the hike back to the 4 wheelers at 2am. There were five of us in single file walking out with our headlamps shining the way. It was pitch dark. About an hour into the hike the first person in our pack line walked around a tree and stopped looking to his right. He let out a yell like no other then we herd crashing to our right disappear in the distance. He turned around and said that was the meanest looking mtn lion I've ever seen and he was crouched down ready to pounce.

I brought up the rear the rest of the way and needless to say I had my knife out and a big stick ready to rumble. I think I walked backwards or jogged the rest of the night.
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