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Elk Hunter Missing in The Crazy Mountains

People have survived similar and if he has the skills and got to his cache, then he might still be okay. I am glad the weather was warmer and clear skies today. The forecast looks good for a few more days.

I understand the authorities concern for volunteers when the conditions were worse, but with it warming up and looking better for a few days, I asked them if they were going to be utilizing volunteers. They are calling back.

Update: Greg Todd called back, explained the efforts they are taking, such as taking search crews and making helicopter drops, so they dont waste time and resources getting to specific areas hiking in. They have checked the two trails mentioned, as well as the Sunlight Lake, a number of times. Even though the weather is better, they do not wish to take on volunteers at this time for several reasons: it adds another dimension to their rescue efforts that could divert time and resources from their search if a volunteer became injured and they had to then deal with the volunteer; they would legally be liable for the well being of any volunteers and their resources are already being utilized at the maximum right now (such as radios, team leaders, equipment).

Todd said should that change and they be interested in volunteers with the skills and the knowledge of this particular area, they would be in touch, but at this point, all we could do is to wait while they continue searching.
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I do not understand. He was hunting with a couple of friends and got separated. Should not this make for a specific search area. 5 plus days!

Prayers, wishes and good luck!

I hit this thread at least once daily expecting good results.
I have the feeling the outcome will not be good. Its my suspicion this guy got hurt somehow and could't keep moving.Any one of those drainages on the west side are no more than 8-10 miles deep ,follow the water and it all heads towards the Shields.If one were to keep moving it might suck but eventually it will head out.Mountain storms can be brutal if you are not prepared.Either build a fire and ride it out or haul ass and don't stop until you get out.This bums me out.....makes no sense if the guy is experienced and familiar with the area.His buddies are boneheads for leaving the scene IMO
Yes praying this guy is found. But after more than a week in those conditions it's not likely at this point. How much snow got dumped on the peaks up there during this storm anyone know? I sure hope he is found soon so the family can have some closure in some way.
I too have been watching this thread with great interest. It hits a little too close.

I hunted in this range last year and it is no joke. I was on the "bleeding edge" of the storm which killed all of the cattle in SD. I hiked out 6.5 miles back to the truck. I was low on stove fuel and food, trying to stay warm. I was lucky to spike camp in an old base camp site and was able to round up enough wood to start a fire to try and dry out. But I finally had to bail with low supplies and it wasn't going to get any better.

A neighboring camp left all of the tents and gear, hoped on their horses and rode down. They were going to try and retrieve their gear later. Don't know if they succeeded.

When I finally got out of there, I was the only set of tracks on the road. I have never been so happy to see civilization in all of my life.

Continual prayers being sent.
I think you're right Hem. This late in the search with no clues? Not looking good.
I dont know Hedges, but this has struck hard on many levels. Partly the storms and knowing what that is like camping in below freezing temps, the freezing eyes with blurred vision later, bloody nose, just cant seem to get warm for a very long time; but I think the other part of it is that I have heard of a number of accidents lately that have affected friends with life threatening conditions and they were with others, not solo.

I love to solo camp, hike or hunt, that is part of why I love to go out to the boonies is the peace and quiet. I also like to leave my technology at home since I have to spend so much time at the computer with research. But Hedges being missing has made me rethink some of that technology and some of the solo aspect. I mentioned that to Greg Todd on the phone and he said that some of that technology is sure helpful to them in getting to people. One night of cold can zap the battery in a cell phone, terrain can affect a cell. A cell phone, even a satellite, is not necessarily a good emergency plan.
At a bare minimum everyone should be required to carry at least this with them. People lost in the woods with no epirb is just crazy IMO. I feel for this guy and his family.


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