Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Elk Festivus 2013

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Took my two oldest boys ages 17 and 15 for the best ever hunting trip today.

It was crazy cold. -8 at the truck with a stiff wind.

No easy close to the road elk today. The only elk spotted were about a mile and a half out....so we waited until temps ticked above zero and we set out on the stalk across a flat, cross a small cliffy canyon, then across another flat.

Made it across the second flat and got at 274 yards when the elk saw us doing a ninja move from one clump of oak brush to another. The jig was up.

The boys quickly set up on shooting sticks. We had agreed that my 15 year old would get first crack. His 30-06 cracked. I was watching the target with binos. I wish I had video of it. There was so much ice crystal in the air, I saw the bullet path, the impact and the bullet hit the snow behind her. She stayed on her feet, he hit her again. Thwack. Another good hit. She stayed up. Third shot buckled her. I was amazed at the kids shooting, usually it's somewhere between crappy and mediocre. All three shots were on the money. 30-06 and 150 grain partitions flat out kill elk!

The work began. Another benefit of teenage young men. They're dumb and strong! Sledding made it easier, but it was a chore that we had fun at.

Arriving at the truck found us worn out, and freezing. We started driving out and had a herd of 30 cows cross the road 100 yards in front of us.......My oldest didn't even get out the truck! He had no desire to put one down in these temps.....I applauded his decision!

Loved spending time with them today. Life is going fast. The oldest leaves home for school Jan 2. Quite a time marker.

Merry Christmas and Festivus to all!
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Major grats T Bone! Looks like a freezing cold great time with the boys! Good eats to follow!
Thanks for the kind words all.

Mica Man, yes he is heading to BYU-Idaho. He's graduating early from high school and heading off. He'll be a young Freshman, but I like very much that he has a plan. He'll get two semesters in, turn 18 and serve a 2 year mission for the LDS Church.
Great job by you all and especially your youngest - he might not be a practice player (shooter) but he's a gamer! Those pictures look so dang cold, I'm going to turn up the heater at home.
T Bone, Good thing your boy is starting school during winter semester when it's freezing in that part of the country. Otherwise a guy can get easily distracted by all the fly fishing to be had.
Very nice! Gotta love being able to run the camera while the elk is getting packed out! I'm hoping to do the same, but just have to wait a decade or so. ;) :D