Dude.. Yeh ? or NEy ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho

If that ain't queer bait, I don't know what is.

That's why they will prolly sell the hell out of 'em in CA.

Sorry A-Con and other CA guys, nothin' personal.
Does it come in camo? It looks like it has an open air backseat. Should be popular in Texas because you could drive up to the feeder, stand up and rest your rifle on the roof for your shot. :D
I think it looks odd, but it could grow on me. I think with some better colors or camo the thing would look pretty cool. looks like it has a kick ass suspension and nice tires from it's stance, and some good skid plates. I would prefere to have the roof raised another few inches though. Some of you it looks gay but i bet it would walk all over what you own.
I'd probably take golfing more seriously if there were golf carts like that.
Yeah it might look funny but I bet it would make a heck of a good hunting machine. Kind of like those Toyota FJ Cruisers. Neither of which being in my price range, I think I'll stick with my pickup.
but it could grow on me. ... with some ... colors ... the thing would look pretty cool. looks like it has a kick ass suspension and nice tires from it's stance, ... Some .... looks gay but i ... would walk all over ......

Leave it to Scmhalts and Larry Craig to be experts on colors, what looks gay and "wide stances".........:eek:
Yeah it might look funny but I bet it would make a heck of a good hunting machine. Kind of like those Toyota FJ Cruisers. Neither of which being in my price range, I think I'll stick with my pickup.

Washington Hunter, I really like the looks of the Yoyota FJ Cruisers. I finally drove in one this year in northern Idaho Deer hunting. The roof wa too low and you could hardly see out of the back windows. Wasn't so much of a fan sitting in the back seat, but I still like them.

I like the Modern, new type look of the Hummer as well. Call me a Closet Yuppie but I like the look alot. Will I buy one ? Nahhhh, I like the H2 as well, just a little spendy. The 2 door idea wouldn't fit my needs either. Look slike me and the Wide stance Schmalts is the only one that likes it :eek: :eek:
Trim a little sheet metal off and I bet you could fly around the sand dunes a bit better. Of course you would have to dent it up some too.

The fender flares and doors have quick-releases, just for that purpose.
I knew some smart ass would come up with some remark regarding that word (blow.) ;)

Actually the FJ Cruisers look good if done right. I've seen a couple around town that didn't look gay at all, believe it or not.