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Donald trump Jr on Jay Scott podcast

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Anybody else watching the antics at Trumps rally in St. Louis?

This is the guy you want running the country?

is the man a reflection of his voters? Its like "Lord of the Flies" with Trump as the Pig Head.

"Part of the problem is that nobody wants to hurt each other anymore....."- Donald Trump in reference on how protestors should be treated.

Meanwhile he is being cheered on for "not cancelling" because of some protestors that he knew would be there. Because he is THAT thinned skinned, even his followers congratulate him on hanging in there.

And now in Chicago........

A far cry from Teddy Roosevelt getting shot in the chest and continuing his speech.

One man was a Bull Moose, the other just full of Bull $hit
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I'd love to have Trump as president. Why wouldn't you? He's the only one who wants to address the issues. Are you not for more jobs in America, a better economy, and a secure border?

I saw the idiots protesting in Chicago, many of them were Bernie supporters. And of course many were apparently paid to go there and cause trouble. What a joke. They just deprived 25,000 people of their first amendment rights.
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Those of you that think our political landscape is screwed up now you need to research the years 1967, 68 and 69. We are not using water cannons on protesters, even when they burn their cities and communities. We are not shooting Political leaders like MLK and Bobby Kennedy, which is real bad because I believe MLK could have lead the Black people away from the Democratic Plantation Johnson put them on. We do have Wars in the Middle East, but who remembers Egypt and Israel almost destroying each other only to sign a peace treaty. So all the Hype that we hear about the Doomsday of Trump, Hillary and Cruz, even Bernie is just a little over the top. If Cruz were to be elected the House and the Senate would go Democrat and his Land Grab would stall. Remember all of this was put upon us by Politicians elected at the state level, we are all to blame for the position we are in! I will be voting Trump even with the threat of Hillary taking the Presidency. John
The myth that Canadians are rushing to the US for healthcare is just that. Whereas we've had a lot of Americans run to Canada to get their prescriptions filled for a fraction of what we pay here.

You are correct about the cost of prescriptions, but Canadians coming down here for healthcare is not a myth. Those who can afford it come down here because of much, much shorter wait times (weeks vs. months) for major surgeries and better overall quality. My mother works in one of the better hospitals close to the border. She says they get a lot of Canadians.
Option #1
Common sense gun control and a President who will protect my public lands so I have a place to hunt and fish.

Option #2
No gun control whatsoever and a President who will sell every last acre of my public land so I have no place to hunt and fish.

For me the choice is a no brainer, I'll take option #1 all day long.

Dems started chanting "common sense gun control" a few years back. I see it has now worked its way into the brains of the people. Congrats on drinking the cool aide.

Now can you tell me what it is?
When I first got out of college I worked in the Baaken oil fields in North Dakota. I quickly found out i was terribly allergic to something over there, so I went to see an allergy doctor in minot. I then started getting allergy shots. The parking lot of the hospital, and the waiting room of my doctors office always had an abundance of Canadians.
My wife now works in the medical field, and is employed at one of the big hospitals here in Billings. It is certainly not a myth that Canadians come down here. Even with the exchange rate as it is.
I'd love to have Trump as president. Why wouldn't you? He's the only one who wants to address the issues. Are you not for more jobs in America, a better economy, and a secure border?

I saw the idiots protesting in Chicago, many of them were Bernie supporters. And of course many were apparently paid to go there and cause trouble. What a joke. They just deprived 25,000 people of their first amendment rights.

They were paid? What a joke.
Which candidate has people removed from the room just for silently displaying a sign? The same one that has people removed from the room because he doesn't like thier looks, an american born muslim woman.
The same one who said "I'd like to punch her in the mouth" refering to an anti-trump protester.
The same one whos aide is being charged with assault on a reporter for asking a question? Talk about depriving people of thier 1st amendment rights. :mad:
The same one who promised to pay all the legal fees for his supporters who got in trouble for beating up anti-trump protesters.

What issues has trump addressed? He has yet to answer any questions about actual isues. Other than just saying "I'm the best at that" or "I've got people for that". All he has done is incite the all the paranoid racist nut jobs that are flocking to him.
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I don't think it is that their care is bad when they get it, it is just the wait time, and The way care is prioritized.
I don't think it is that their care is bad when they get it, it is just the wait time, and The way care is prioritized.

Like when a doctor won't admit a patient so jaundiced she is yellow like a Post-It note and tests conclude her bilirubin levels are at 30...because it's not a priority. I wonder how bad it can really be in Canada.
I can't imagine how bad Health Care is in Canada if Canadians are coming down here for care. We should tell them to go to Vegas gor treatment

When people pay cash for something that they can get for free it kinda makes you wonder.
Watching the news, I see Sarah Palin blabbering incoherently at a trump rally. Love him or hate him, we have President Obama largely because John McCain picked that dingbat to be his running mate in 2008.
Trump is always telling us about his judgment, and how he chooses the best people etc. etc.
Making public appearances with Sarah Palin really makes me doubt that.
Funniest thing I've seen all day. Wish I new how to post it directly here

Typical far-left hypocrisy. You worship free speech until its something you don't like. Regardless of how you feel about Trump, if you care about your 1st Amendment right then you should condemn these Bernie supporters (even if you are one yourself) for depriving Trump and his supporters of their free speech rights. Yah yah, I know you'll say that protesting is just a way for these people to exercise their rights, but your missing the point. There is a time and place for it. If they want to protest against Trump, they have every right to do so as long as its not interfering with the free speech rights of others. Protesting inside Trump's rallies with the intent of shutting him down is un-American and hypocritical. Furthermore, the failure of Bernie, Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, and especially Obama to condemn this sort of thing is just another level of hypocrisy. Obama absolutely can have an influence on these Bernie supporters, but he is a divider of this country and completely incompetent as a unifier and a leader.

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with this post. I'm sure you'll hit back with some type of twisted crap. I just get frustrated sometimes with hypocrites. As well as all the Bernie supporters on here who have hundreds or even thousands of posts because they have nothing better to do but post their far-left partisan views on a hunting forum, often in threads where they don't belong! But hey, its your freedom of speech and in America we want to allow every point of view to be heard, so I understand that (unlike a lot of other people).

End rant...
Settle down Bevis, it's an internet meme, and it's funny.

I actually didn't see that it was a meme until now. I thought it was just the video of the actual protester who rushed the stage and tried to take out Trump, which I have seen before.

But after seeing the whole thing with Bernie jumping out, I agree thats some funny stuff haha
Funniest thing I've seen all day. Wish I new how to post it directly here/QUOTE]

Typical far-left hypocrisy. You worship free speech until its something you don't like. Regardless of how you feel about Trump, if you care about your 1st Amendment right then you should condemn these Bernie supporters (even if you are one yourself) for depriving Trump and his supporters of their free speech rights. Yah yah, I know you'll say that protesting is just a way for these people to exercise their rights, but your missing the point. There is a time and place for it. If they want to protest against Trump, they have every right to do so as long as its not interfering with the free speech rights of others. Protesting inside Trump's rallies with the intent of shutting him down is un-American and hypocritical. Furthermore, the failure of Bernie, Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, and especially Obama to condemn this sort of thing is just another level of hypocrisy. Obama absolutely can have an influence on these Bernie supporters, but he is a divider of this country and completely incompetent as a unifier and a leader.

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with this post. I'm sure you'll hit back with some type of twisted crap. I just get frustrated sometimes with hypocrites. As well as all the Bernie supporters on here who have hundreds or even thousands of posts because they have nothing better to do but post their far-left partisan views on a hunting forum, often in threads where they don't belong! But hey, its your freedom of speech and in America we want to allow every point of view to be heard, so I understand that (unlike a lot of other people).

End rant...

Something tells me you have never actually read the 1st Amendment.

Perhaps, someday you should actually read it before you offer your internet law opinions.

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