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Ditch Parrots R' Us

Always tough loosing a good buddy that just happens to be a dog. I'm sure he is hot on the trail of some long-tails in the happy hunting grounds.
Sorry to hear Randy. I hate that part about owning a dog. Especially a great bird dog. No doubt the love they provide outweighs the sadness of saying good bye to them at the end of a great life.
Sorry about this, Randy. Nothing like a good dog for a hunting partner, no complaining and nothing but love. I don't how many times I would look at my buddies dog while we were BSing in the duck blind and watch him watching ducks that we didn't know they were even there. I'm sure he called us dumb asses more then once. Hope you have a better day, Andy.
Sad to hear. Tough losing those hunting partners. 12 years of good hunting memories. We are blessed to have them.
The worst part about owning a dog is the day you have to say goodbye. You have my heartfelt sympathy and condolences.
Im sorry for your loss Randy!, Ive said it many times, bad dogs, I have yet to meet one that wasnt bad because of who his master was. You love and care for a dog and it comes back to you 1000 fold!
I have had to put down 5 great labs in my lifetime. It just breaks your heart every time you lose one.
I hate hearing that Fin, sorry for your loss. I've had a few over the years and it's never easy. After I lose one I always say that's it, not going through that again. Then the next thing you know there's another best friend staring you in the eyes wanting your guidance. R.I.P 'ol boy!
Really sorry to hear about that, Randy. Losing a good dog is always hard, but we are so much richer than if we had never let them in our lives. I truly feel sorry for those that have never felt that. It's not original, but whenever I get mad at my lab, I try to remember what I was advised a long time ago, "Try to be the person your dog thinks you are". It always reminds me to smile and scratch Buck behind his ears.
Thanks guys. Those of you who have been through it know the unpleasant task it is to sit and try to comfort an ailing friend, to no avail, hoping that some miracle will allow them to stand and walk out of the vet office. Eventually you come to realize that you are faced with the decision of trying to extend their life, often at the expense of further suffering, or to make the difficult decision to end their suffering.

When doing so, you ponder if your effort is driven by your own discomfort of the pending loss and your desire to defer that eventuality. Any who have spent a night with a dog suffering on their lap knows that the correct outcome is with the dog's interest at heart, however hard that decision is to make.

When it happened last time with our female chocolate lab, Copper, Merle was four years old and in his prime. His presence and enthusiasm eased the emptiness of a not seeing Copper's soft face and having her constant brush against my leg for the thirteen years she had been our family's companion. He served as great company and filled the void created when Copper left, in addition to having more hunting spirit than any dog I have ever owned.

Now with Merle gone, what was once a three-dog house is down to just one; the little white fluff ball, a Cockapoo named Lilly, four months Merle's junior. Since we have only briefly been without a dog since 1988, we have some decisions to make.

Thanks for all the kind comments. I have not slept for 36 hours, but the comfort of your many warm thoughts will make rest easier to find when I crawl into the covers tonight.
There's no words to take away the pain of losing your buddy but know this. From the time a dog is born their time is short. What's not known is who they will wind up with, how rich their life's will be and will they be loved. Merle was lucky in all ways and had it better than he could have hoped. Sorry for your loss,Big Fin.
Thanks guys. Those of you who have been through it know the unpleasant task it is to sit and try to comfort an ailing friend, to no avail, hoping that some miracle will allow them to stand and walk out of the vet office.

Yep. The last one I had to put down hit me so hard we went without a dog for 8 years. It is a love hate thing with them, but I guess the good outnumbers the bad. Hope to see pictures of a little fat bellied pup here soon.
Sorry to hear your buddy has gone to the other side.