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Dear Sportsmans Channel,

ben, being sensitive is what got us here in the first place. minority want God out of schools - gone. minority wants God out of the courtroom - gone. when will it stop? and ben, do you think the sportsman channel already had their programming set up before the shootings?

and let's say, that the sportsmen channel was wrong,(I'm not saying that), how long should gun sales be stopped? how long should ammo sales be stopped? how about hunting? how long should we put down our guns before it's acceptable, and the mourning about this tragedy is over? how long do we do the above things? and when do we as gun owners, give in to the anti gun people?
dustin, you talk about measuring dicks, but you're offended by being called a wimp? as I said, grow a pair.

you are right about one thing, we are in trouble when legal gun owners cave in to the anti's.
dustin, you talk about measuring dicks, but you're offended by being called a wimp? as I said, grow a pair.

you are right about one thing, we are in trouble when legal gun owners cave in to the anti's.

There is a time and place for everything.

If expecting some discretion from gun owners makes me a nutless wimp, I can live with that.
My friends dad just died of lung cancer, after smoking his entire life.

Common sense tells me, not to stand outside the funeral smoking.
ben, being sensitive is what got us here in the first place. minority want God out of schools - gone. minority wants God out of the courtroom - gone. when will it stop? and ben, do you think the sportsman channel already had their programming set up before the shootings?

and let's say, that the sportsmen channel was wrong,(I'm not saying that), how long should gun sales be stopped? how long should ammo sales be stopped? how about hunting? how long should we put down our guns before it's acceptable, and the mourning about this tragedy is over? how long do we do the above things? and when do we as gun owners, give in to the anti gun people?

Programming can be changed rather quickly. Happens all the time.

Who's god are you comfortable with in school? You want religion in school, great - let all religion in. Comparative religion courses were the courses I took that taught me the most about tolerance and respecting people of differing beliefs. I think that is needed in school. I don't want a Christian teacher or a Muslim or Mormon, etc telling my offspring how to pray. We are, as a nation, better than that. In act, religious freedom is what we were founded on.

But we also need to let people practice their faith in school. Without fear of repercussions because their religion is different.

Again, allowing some time to pass before we pick up our AR's and point them skyward in an animistic display of our coolness and the second is simply good taste. 27 people died. Act like it.

These are your fellow countrymen. They are not enemies. They are your family and neighbors. Act like it.

I don't agree with a new awb or banning of semi-auto handguns but to make this a conflict rather than a discussion is not smart both in the moral sense and the political sense.

If we want to shift the debate away from banning guns and towards the real issue (access to mental health care) then don't come across as Rambo with a hardon, but like someone who cares and understands the tragedy that happened,and wants to work for a solution.

In short: act like an adult.
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ben, being sensitive is what got us here in the first place. minority want God out of schools - gone. minority wants God out of the courtroom - gone. when will it stop? and ben, do you think the sportsman channel already had their programming set up before the shootings?

Just who's god are you talking about? I am betting your god isnt the same as my god.
Programming can be changed rather quickly. Happens all the time.

Who's god are you comfortable with in school? You want religion in school, great - let all religion in. Comparative religion courses were the courses I took that taught me the most about tolerance and respecting people of differing beliefs. I think that is needed in school. I don't want a Christian teacher or a Muslim or Mormon, etc telling my offspring how to pray. We are, as a nation, better than that. In act, religious freedom is what we were founded on.

But we also need to let people practice their faith in school. Without fear of repercussions because their religion is different.

Again, allowing some time to pass before we pick up our AR's and point them skyward in an animistic display of our coolness and the second is simply good taste. 27 people died. Act like it.

These are your fellow countrymen. They are not enemies. They are your family and neighbors. Act like it.

I don't agree with a new awb or banning of semi-auto handguns but to make this a conflict rather than a discussion is not smart both in the moral sense and the political sense.

If we want to shift the debate away from banning guns and towards the real issue (access to mental health care) then don't come across as Rambo with a hardon, but like someone who cares and understands the tragedy that happened,and wants to work for a solution.

In short: act like an adult.

nixce job in not answering the questions. expected better from you. my bad. the God comments were examples. nothing more, nothing less. unlike you, do not have a "know it all" attitude. I completely understand the what this tragedy is all about. sorry to disappoint you and your attitude. maybe you should grow up. not your job to tell me to grow up because you do not agree with me.
nixce job in not answering the questions. expected better from you. my bad. the God comments were examples. nothing more, nothing less. unlike you, do not have a "know it all" attitude. I completely understand the what this tragedy is all about. sorry to disappoint you and your attitude. maybe you should grow up. not your job to tell me to grow up because you do not agree with me.

I didn't answer your questions because they were hyperbolic and not reflective of what the op said. Nobody was talking about selling guns, etc. Dustin merely stated that running commercials celebrating firearms a day after the second largest school shooting in our nation's history was in ad taste. You went off on a tangent that had nothing to do with that and your straw men arguments were ridiculous to begin with. So rather than insult you by saying that, I tried to engage in a conversation. Apologies for that.
Oh good! So I suppose if that "god" in the classroom is is Muslim and the "god" in the courtroom is pro-gun control you are ok with those?

that looks like a question to me. at least, that's what question marks at the end of sentences means to me.
that looks like a question to me. at least, that's what question marks at the end of sentences means to me.

Yes....its a question(s) with an example(s) in it.The two can exist together in an english sentence but see it however you want.

So can you answer the question I orignially asked?

"So I suppose if that "god" in the classroom is is Muslim and the "god" in the courtroom is pro-gun control you are ok with those?"......for example.
My appologies for derailing with my previous posts. By in large I agree with what you are saying. I think we as responsible gun owners and sportsman are doing ourselves a huge disservice by jumping up in the face of a mourning nation to tout why we need our 2A rights.

Getting that ambitious will only give the "some what neutral" public a perception that we are disrespectful and unwilling to see the tradgedy what has been happening. My thought is someone that doesnt have strong veiws on gun ownership/gun control could easily be swayed by such a gesture given recent events. The time will come for a respectful debate and that time is not now.
Yes....its a question(s) with an example(s) in it.The two can exist together in an english sentence but see it however you want.

So can you answer the question I orignially asked?

"So I suppose if that "god" in the classroom is is Muslim and the "god" in the courtroom is pro-gun control you are ok with those?"......for example.

yes I can answer it. but won't. do not discuss religion as that is a highly personal issue. do not judge people on their beliefs.
To this point, the President has avoided guns for political reasons. He made it very clear on Friday, that he is going to put politics aside on the issue.


This is laughable. EVERYTHING Obama does is based on politics and political gain for himself and the Democractic party!

To somehow hide from the celebration/supporting of the 2nd Amendment gives the impression that there is something wrong with this right. The same goes for the demonization and blame of the NRA everytime one of these mentally deranged copycat killers goes beserk. The real arguement should be how to address the mentally ill who are commiting this carnage. What drives them to do this and how can the cause(s) be minimized or eliminated. The 2nd Amendment is a wonderous right we are guaranteed. What gets lost in this argument is that 299,999,999 people in this country, many of them gunowners, did nothing wrong with their firearms on that day. That right and fact is something to be celebrated not hid in the background as if something bad.

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I like the "poke the sleeping dog" approach by the OP. Did you think this would be a bow and cave thread?
I understand sensitiveness, but at what point do you draw the line?

Sportsmens Channel didn't run ads telling you to run out and buy an AR/Handgun, they did an ad in support of 2A. Perhaps an armed teacher would have lessened the carnage brought on by a completely evil person.

Where is the call to get back to a more moral center in this country? We've polluted our childrens minds with evil and you wonder why these horrible actions take place?

The left is so sensitive they probably waited till it was dark to start drafting their legislation's...
It was one individual who commited this terible act. How many legal gun owners, legally owned guns stayed home and did not cause any harm on that day. How many incidents were prevented because of a legally owned gun on that day??? we'll never know that, just what one individual did do.