Dear Sportsmans Channel,


Active member
Jan 2, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
Less than 48 hours ago, 20 children were massacred by a gunman. Please pull the awful adds celebrating the birthday of the second admendment.

Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.
they were killed by a sick individual. grow a set. would you be saying this if we were in china where a sick person stabbed 22 people with a knife? sometimes, shutting up is the better part of discretion.
they were killed by a sick individual. grow a set. would you be saying this if we were in china where a sick person stabbed 22 people with a knife? sometimes, shutting up is the better part of discretion.

+1...agree 100%
the gun did not do the killing,the man holding it did,so what is wrong with saying the second ammendment is nice to have around,so we can have a gun in our home,office,car,truck.
Now is not the time for chest thumping, and celebrating gun ownership.

To this point, the President has avoided guns for political reasons. He made it very clear on Friday, that he is going to put politics aside on the issue.

The timing of those adds on Sportsman Channel makes us look bad. Nothing else.
To this point, the President has avoided guns for political reasons. He made it very clear on Friday, that he is going to put politics aside on the issue.

You have got to be chitting me.
You have got to be chitting me.

I started googling to find some quotes, but was distracted by all the gun control articles that have been printed in the past 24 hours.

The pro gun-control response is down right scary. Rally's in Washington, petitions with thousands of signatures, going to Politicians on every level. All in the past 24 hours.

Yep, but all the BS is being caused by some loonie that had STOLEN the LEGALLY purchased guns in question. Why not talk about what caused him to go off on this rampage, rather than what weapon was used! It's always the guns fault, but how about the 30,000+ people killed in automobile accidents every year or the thousands who die from excess alcohol usage? Nope, it's always the fault of the gun from all these Libs!!!
Don't you DARE celebrate the U.S. constitution! Have you lost all sense of sanity?!! You are letting the left-wing socialists win by making stupid statements about not celebrating the scond amendment. IT"S NOT ABOUT THE GUNS, PEOPLE, it is about how this touchy-feely society has allowed lunatics to do whatever they want without ramifications. At least he saved the court costs in this particular shooting.

I think we should ban all cars, as they kill far more people than lunatics with guns.
We are in big trouble if you guys think it's appropriate for a channel that represents Sportsman, to sing happy birthday to the second amendment, 2 days after a guy uses guns to murder 20 children.
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no, we are in big trouble if gun owners start acting like wimps.

gun owners had nothing to do with this. the killings were done with guns that his mother legally owned. 2 pistols, and a rifle. zero on the "ban" list. pretty sure the politicians were saying the same things after columbine, and aurora killings. same with the giffords shootings in arizona.

as far as what is reported and what is not. when was the last time you read about multiple killings in chicago? probably been a while since it is an everday thing. difference is, these current ones involve babies, and the chicago killings are gang bangers. you do hear about the children shot. imagine that. the media making one killing more important than another.
We are in big trouble if you guys think it's appropriate for a channel that represents Sportsman, to sing happy birthday to the second amendment, 2 days after a guy uses guns to murder 20 children.

You have that Eastern way of thinking that unfortunately its changing the whole country as they (Easterners) move to other states in the south & west :(
no, this thread is about a wimp who wants to "be quiet" about guns and the second amendment because of a tragedy. sad that a gun owner wants to crawl into the corner because of a tragedy caused by a sick individual. this has nothing to do with the gun owner.
no, this thread is about a wimp who wants to "be quiet" about guns and the second amendment because of a tragedy. sad that a gun owner wants to crawl into the corner because of a tragedy caused by a sick individual. this has nothing to do with the gun owner.

Dustin has a valid point. It's not about hiding, but about being sensitive to a nation who has been shocked and horrified. As a pro 2a person, avid collector and aficionado, even I can see that touting out AR's and all the other bull spit isn't going to help people get over this, or help when the gun control debate picks up next week in congress.

It's about winning just as much as it is about being respectful about our fellow countymen's sensitivities.

48 hours of communal grieving where neither side picks up the mantle would have great, but we're broken in more aspects than that as a nation, so I guess we'll just keep calling each other names and taking nasty potshots towards those with differing viewpoints.
no, this thread is about a wimp who wants to "be quiet" about guns and the second amendment because of a tragedy. sad that a gun owner wants to crawl into the corner because of a tragedy caused by a sick individual. this has nothing to do with the gun owner.

Wow. Name calling, seriously?

Like I said, we are in big trouble...