Caribou Gear

CO Shooting


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Thoughts and prayers to all victims and families. Columbine in 99 and now this has got to be tough
The loonie population in this country is definitely increasing. All the gun control freaks are going to jump all over this one again.

I think we are in a downward spiral from which we have no escape.
Just looking through all the headlines on page. Trying to find something positive in the news...just not happening. The news thrives on negative instead of positive.
The gun control argument by the media is absolutley dumbfounding. In the Columbine shooting that was the agenda, never mind the fact that Dylan and Eric had purchased 4 tanks of propane rigged to explode... did anyone hear outcrys for regulation on the purchasing of propane? Nope, mind you they didnt detonate but had they the toll would have been upwards of 300 and they casually bought those on the way to school.
I've always found it dumbfounding that our first thought after horrific tragedy like this is that someone will try and take our guns, not what we can do to help these families.
My first thought was, I wish someone was packing in that theatre and sent him to that special hot place below.
I've always found it dumbfounding that our first thought after horrific tragedy like this is that someone will try and take our guns, not what we can do to help these families.

What would you like us to do instead? Prayers Already sent this AM. Dont know what youre talkin about
'There's a Jim Holmes … now we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes'
On Good Morning America, ABC News’ Brian Ross and George Stephanolpoulos suggested that the Tea Party might be connected to the mass shootings early this morning in an Aurora, CO theater during a screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. The mainstream media attempted to blame the Tea Party for the Tuscon shootings in January 2011, shortly after Republicans swept the midterm elections. Now, in the critical 2012 elections, the mainstream media seems poised to do the same–and ABC News has led the way.

Here is the exchange between ABC News chief investigator Brian Ross and host George Stephanopoulos about apparent suspect James Holmes:

Stephanolpoulos: I’m going to go to Brian Ross. You’ve been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant.
Ross: There’s a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.
Stephanolpoulos: Okay, we’ll keep looking at that. Brian Ross, thanks very much.

...more constructive 'compassionate' spin.
I've always found it dumbfounding that our first thought after horrific tragedy like this is that someone will try and take our guns, not what we can do to help these families.

Well said Ben.
I have just walked in and its headline news in the UK.
Very sad for all involved.
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

Ben, no discussion, just facts.
I'm with dinkshooter,a couple of legal to carry citizens in that theater would have put him down before he shot so many people.I bet the lefty's will have a field day though
My first thought was, I wish someone was packing in that theatre and sent him to that special hot place below.

There itself is a problem, as a 'CCW' holder may or may not act and even if they do, could cause problems with the amount of people in there...Just becuase you 'pack' or have a CCW, doesn't mean you'll act or know how to act when a event occurs...

There was a CCW holder at the Giffords scene and he didn't act...You can go from 'hero' to zero in a heartbeat! We can arm chair it all day and never come up with the right answer...
Maybe wait a day or two before we turn it into a political discussion?

The NRA didn't, they were happy this morning to be able to wake up with another shooting and start scaring people about gun control and seeking donations to build palaces....


I'm with dinkshooter,a couple of legal to carry citizens in that theater would have put him down before he shot so many people.I bet the lefty's will have a field day though

it is a violation of my concealed permit to carry in a theatre due to the possible numer of occupants / in michigan, / however due to the large numbers of freaks and weird looking circus reject kids and young adults that hang out there,,,,,,, I will take my chances and carry.

it should be noted in one to the articles I read he had a vest, kevlar helmat kevlar legginds?? wimp surrendered to police and now the real pain starts for the families reliving this in court,,,,

and I am a leftie :) but I shoot ok right also ,,
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There itself is a problem, as a 'CCW' holder may or may not act and even if they do, could cause problems with the amount of people in there...Just becuase you 'pack' or have a CCW, doesn't mean you'll act or know how to act when a event occurs...

What's your plan Ike, to lay down and die? I'll take my chances with any "problems" I might cause, I might not go the hero route but I'm sure as hell going to try and protect my family. I do agree that a lot more CCW holder's need to attend training on a regular basis in order to access and react to a horrific situation like this. And you are correct about there being no right answer, senseless.
I've always found it dumbfounding that our first thought after horrific tragedy like this is that someone will try and take our guns, not what we can do to help these families.

It's because the Liberal wing of the media doesn't focus on compassion and what they can do for the families, it's all about stricter gun laws and this wouldn't have happened.

There are several reports here locally that I'm waiting to see which will be proven true and which are false. One report says he was part of the OWS Denver and that there is footage of him. One report said he kicked in the back door, one says he bought a ticket and was sitting in the theater, got up after 15 min, propped the emergency door and went to his car then came back in.

The press conference with the Aurora Police Chief this afternoon had a statement that not all the victims were killed by the lunatic, some may have been trampled in the chaos. Sad state, especially that amount of young children that were there.

Not once have I heard any media talk what a whack job this guy is. Apparently he told the cops he was the "joker" and even had his hair dyed red.

Just like with the shooting of Giffords, this guy is a grade A head case.

And I have,did today and will continue to carry my 1911 with my CWP everywhere I can possibly take it.
If he would have tried my theater he would of had 15 rounds incoming from off line of attack. I know I can shoot well and do fairly well with commotion. I don't know how well I can shoot in tear gas and I don't know if I would have been one of the first people hit. I do know that he would of had a fight on his hands. I'll continue to preach conceal carry.
Prayers sent.

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