Caribou Gear

Career Change . . . Time to Move


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
Well, it's been a helluva long process, but looks looks like I'll be driving the family across the country in a few weeks to drop them off at my folks place in N.C. Then I'll be checking in at Quantico for 18 weeks of training to start a new career with the FBI.

Gonna totally destroy my hunting for this fall, and who knows where I'll be next year, and I'm quite sure I won't be able to screw around on Hunttalk a dozen times a day, but ultimately should make me easier for my family to deal with because I won't come home grumpy from a job that makes me want to stick a pen in my eye most of the time.
Congrats to you. Hopefully, you will be assigned to a locale after graduation that affords ample hunting opportunities.
Wow Spitz, you're starting to sound a lot like Moosie with the career change so quickly.... Good luck in all you do Spitz. Report back on all the whackin' and stackin' of whiteys and turkeys or whatever they have back East!
Good luck to ya. Hopefully you'll get back out west somewhere.

If you have time to get away from your training, I'm only about a 100 miles up the road from there. Shoot me an email if you get time.
Congrats on the switch, should be an interesting new career.
Good luck Spitz. A guy my wife worked with went the FBI route a couple years ago. He lives in Seattle now, and likes his new career choice.
FBI hmmm.

I wonder if anyone ever said anything incriminating here on HT?

Good luck, brave man to miss the fall.
He was employed by Bozeman Deaconess Hospital to be a training dummy for PSA exams.
Currently an attorney here in Bozeman. 2 years out of school. I'm actually with a great group of people in an awesome place to live. Just realized over the last couple of years that this is not really what I want to do for the next 30 years. I could manage, I'm sure, but figured I'd take a shot at another career that had always been on the back of my mind and doors were opened.
Best of Luck Spitz, I always wanted to be a Male Stripper....until I got on this site. Then I found out it was'nt that unusual a thing to see. LOL John
Good luck and remember the FBI has an office way out here in Glasgow, so don't screw up or you will be investigating guys like the Freemen.

Good luck, Spitz. Sounds like quite a trip. Something a lot of people probably think about doing, but few actually take the steps to make it happen.
Good luck Spitz with the new career. Power to ya for trying something new. Lifes to short to be doing something you don't like for the rest of your life.

About time they let you know. Glad for you. Congrats.

You made a good choice. Being an attorney is almost as bad as being a CPA. That's why I have so many scars from sticking pens in my eye.

Let me know if you need help getting packed. I will send my wife and son over to help. :p