Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

az 2072


New member
Feb 18, 2012
the snake isn't dead -

just learned from a reliable source that AZSFW supporters will be presenting their case for HB2072 to Governor Brewer today. With only one side of the story being presented, and the governor probably believing AZSFW is a legitimate voice for the state's sportsmen, there's a chance this bill could meet with the approval of the governor and her staff. Any measure that promises revenue by means other than a tax will have a certain level of appeal.

Those who agree with me that HB2072 is wrong should contact the governor's office as soon as possible. I wish I had an inside track to email addresses and phone numbers for the governor's staff, but I don't at the present time, so the best I can do is urge you to call or write today

just in -- heard from a friend who works at the capitol that Suzanne Gillstrap will be giving a presentation in a staff meeting with the Governor today!

Keep in mind that the Governor and staff have been sold that 2072 is an economic benefit to the State. This is not true since one Expo will put the other (ISE) expo out of business. The groups need to send emails along with sportsmen that AZSFW does not represent them. Also AZSFW is saying that their proposal will not affect the money already raised by the current Special Tag sales and the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle and last weekend at the ADA banquet it was clear that their are not a plethora of high bidders out their for more tags to flood the market.

Like it was stated earlier - they will not go silent into the night!

it's not dead and now they try the direct approach 0 right to the govenor!

even your call can make the difference

Phoenix Office:(602) 542-4331
Tucson Office:(520) 628-6580
Fax Number:(602) 542-1381

In-State Toll Free:1-800-253-0883 (outside Maricopa County only)
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Why are we not suprised.Made my call and sent an email.All other western states should be making call on our behalf.They will and already tried to do the same to other states.United we stand fellow sportsman.

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