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An unexpected elk

Brittany Chukarman

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
E. Oregon
I've been hesitant to post this because it pales in comparison to the great mountain elk hunts that have been posted lately but nonetheless it happened. A couple weeks ago elk started coming down into the canyon and feeding in our pasture at night. In the darkness of the morning my nephew and I left for our Wyoming antelope hunt I was calling back and forth with a bull or two and lots of cow talk. Since then there have been chukar hunters around and elk season opened and they had not come back. I was busy butchering and catching up on chores and while they were in the back of my mind I wasn't quite ready to start elk hunting. Saturday morning on a whim I decided to go out early and do some glassing from a high spot. I took my binos, a knife and my .243 in case I saw a coyote. No boots, just slip on Skechers. As soon as I opened the door and stepped onto the deck I heard elk. They were leaving the pasture and climbing a steep slope out of the canyon, about 20 head. I hurried to get a little closer and got set up. I didn't bring my rangefinder along but guessed them at about 300 yards. I wasn't sure about taking the shot then realized I'd shot 2 antelope at 300 yards last week with this same gun. I picked one out at the back of the herd that was broadside and took the shot. They all stampeded up the slope and over the saddle. The shot felt good but there was no indication of a hit. They would have to pass through a neighbors pasture to get up to where they range so I had an idea which way they went. When I got up there she had gone about 100 yards and piled up. Complete pass through but a high lung shot and no blood trail. I'm not recommending a .243 for elk but I shoot this one so well I was pretty confident. I was shooting a 95 gr Federal Fusion. A couple more days of butchering and my big game seasons will be wrapped up for the year. Bittersweet.


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A little home cookin.......(see what I did there??)..... start wrapping that free range protein.
Very cool!! That's a good way to hunt elk! Im jealous as about all I see out my backdoor is the occasional cottontail...
Very nice!

Between the pronghorn and now this're stringing together a great season!

I've shot a couple elk with a .243/6mm...those that claim it cant be done...haven't done it. An older buddy of mine has killed somewhere around 50 elk with a .243 and 100 grain partitions...guess the elk didn't get the memo.

Man, I've been in almost this exact situation. Just grab the gun and go for a walk to see what's out there and end up walking home with the realization that the season is over before you had time to think about it.
It appears by the gray in your mustache that you most likely have more wisdom and experience than me, but I try to tell myself that a guy can't always control the way things turn out and if there is meat in the freezer, then there's a lot to be thankful for. By the looks of it, that big old girl will keep you fed for a while. Congrats! A 300 yard poke with a .243 to put an elk down is a hell of a shot!
Well done Sir! glad your hunting season is going so well. Now I need to talk you into coming over for some of these giant perch! after of coarse you get your deer, congrats again,
I still can't figure out why you were hesitant to post this? It doesn't get much better than that! I would kill to be able to have property that I could actually hunt elk on.
And also, nice bullet placement. It doesn't take much, just has to be in the right spot!
Congrats on an easy hunt for an elk. My last cow had to be packed out about 2 miles through a jungle of pinions, jinipers and mahogany trees. It was also very steep. From now on we'll be looking for flatland open country cow elk.

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