Here are a few of the pics I took while on the trip. Will post more, and the story upon my return.
2 1/2 miles of "thick" brush busting and wading through bogs. I hate hippers...need I say more?
The fourth and final camp we established on the way up through the mountains.
Greg and "his" ram.
The two of us w/ the ram...
Of course, a pic with me and the ram
Pack'n it out!
Me, glassing for my big'n.
It snowed on us the last night we stayed on top of the mountain. This is the same mountain we took the ram from.
Having the opportunity to take this ram, I passed the chance off to Greg. The last (and only) ram I took with LBG a few years ago was "just" full curl, as was this one. I was wanting something a bit bigger than the one I already have, and just didn't find it...this year. This area is on a rebound, and I expect the hunting to be good next year, and great the year after, so long predation and the winters don't kill all the sub-legal rams off. I want to head back in two years...there will be some hawgs there, for sure. This ram was very symetrical, but not real big. About 4"s smaller than the ram I shot a few years ago...length was 32 on this one.
I anchored the ram in an area where Greg could lay him down. The technique I used is called the "Trojan Sheep". Dressed in whites (sheep's clothing) I distracted the sheep (which was about 500 yds away) by prancing around on all fours on the side of the mountain. It worked great, this time. Hanging out in the glacial merain, the ram met his match. Really cool, and I got some of it on tape.
Will tell more later. Again, there is a "sad" ending to this story. Enjoy the pics, I'll make more <grin>.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-19-2003 17:41: Message edited by: Ovis ]</font>
2 1/2 miles of "thick" brush busting and wading through bogs. I hate hippers...need I say more?
The fourth and final camp we established on the way up through the mountains.
Greg and "his" ram.
The two of us w/ the ram...
Of course, a pic with me and the ram
Pack'n it out!
Me, glassing for my big'n.
It snowed on us the last night we stayed on top of the mountain. This is the same mountain we took the ram from.
Having the opportunity to take this ram, I passed the chance off to Greg. The last (and only) ram I took with LBG a few years ago was "just" full curl, as was this one. I was wanting something a bit bigger than the one I already have, and just didn't find it...this year. This area is on a rebound, and I expect the hunting to be good next year, and great the year after, so long predation and the winters don't kill all the sub-legal rams off. I want to head back in two years...there will be some hawgs there, for sure. This ram was very symetrical, but not real big. About 4"s smaller than the ram I shot a few years ago...length was 32 on this one.
I anchored the ram in an area where Greg could lay him down. The technique I used is called the "Trojan Sheep". Dressed in whites (sheep's clothing) I distracted the sheep (which was about 500 yds away) by prancing around on all fours on the side of the mountain. It worked great, this time. Hanging out in the glacial merain, the ram met his match. Really cool, and I got some of it on tape.
Will tell more later. Again, there is a "sad" ending to this story. Enjoy the pics, I'll make more <grin>.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-19-2003 17:41: Message edited by: Ovis ]</font>