Aboriginal Overkill hypothesis


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I went to an interesting talk last night regarding Dr. Charles Kay's (you may remember him from the paper on wolves) regarding his Aboriginal Overkill hypothesis. For his PhD he went through every account of the Lewis and Clark expedition and noted when and what animals were sighted in relation to native peoples. His findings are that animals, of all species, were only found in much abundance between villages or nations at war! He concluded that it was mostly due to hunting my the Native Americans, which was supported by the data. He contends that the reason the picture of the West as teeming with large numbers of animals was our diseases had come here before many people did and killed most of the Native peoples allowing the game populations to increase greatly by the time many accounts of the West by settlers were written down. He presented relatively recent findings that show small pox may have entered this county and started killing of numerous Native Americans by as early as 1550's!

This is a much different picture of the West than what is depicted by most people histories. As such, he has now been banned from conducting research in Yellowstone (you must have a permit) because this does not support their management (or lack thereof) in the last 100yrs. In addition, he was blocked from giving a presentation to a group of Senators by the President!! His book on the subject should be on to the publishers by the end of April.

*NOTE* Before someone claims this comes from some hippy prof type, you must know this man is a very active hunter. Many slides in his presentation were of animals he's killed and he puts about $25K into application fees most every year!

I found this quite interesting and thought I'd pass it along. It also lends some support to the cause of the disappearance of the Anasazi from the Four Corners area as due to over use of resources! Modern Americans haven't been the first peoples here to have large impacts on the local evnironment. In many places of the West, the population estimates from the time of Columbus are greater than the population found there now.
Tyler, Is the transcript of that paper available anywhere? I would like to read the theory on how small pox crossed the ocean before the European people did. Sounds like it may be interesting...

Dan- The population drops started in the 1550's. I think the Spanish were already in parts of the US and I've been told of some recent evidence that they Chinese may have came to the West coast before the Europeans. I think the disease travelled West faster than the settlers. I don't have a citation, but just passed on what was given in the lecture.

Tom- He be your Huckleberry!
1_pointer, I was lucky to find that stuff I did find. What university is he at? He might have a web page there with his CV and all the references for what he has written?

Look for Dr. Charles Kay. If you decide to contact him, he prefers the phone or snail mail over email, at least that's the scoop on campus.
There is some evidence that the asians were in south/central america 200 years B.C. at least and the Scandanavians were in N. America as early at 500 A.D. Any disease introduced into a society that is not inoculated will suffer. 500 or 1500 wouldn't make much difference.
There have been evidences that the chineese had been in the Pacific Northwest centuries ago, or maybe it was the Japaneese, I don't remember which from my history lessons in Jr. High. Things of particular note are the fact that some of the temples in the home country have Western red Ceder in the construction of them. Some of these temples are very old and the wood only comes from the west coast of this country. There have also been artifacts in some of he Native Indian cultures along the coast that have had Chineese Jade in some of the inventories. The museums in the area, seem to try and keep these facts out of every day literatures because it would mean some of the history books will have to be changed as the finders of America!!!
I see the truth is the truth and needs to be recorded as such, no matter what it changes in our present. It will make us all better peoples for it!!!
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